Malihah Chamani

M.Sc. Landscape Architecture
B.Sc. Architecture
Doctoral Student
Emil-Ramann-Str. 6
D-85354 Freising
1. OG Raum O4
Dissertation Project
Qanat as green infrastructure of historical urban landscape (and cultural landscape) form and every-day life open spaces in hot and dry regions of Iran.

Supported by Gerda Henkel Stiftung, Düsseldorf
The sustainable design method of solar-local houses in the rural area of Yazd
A team study under supervision of Dr. Ayatollahi, Yazd, 2008-2009
Water-scape in Persian Gardens
Supervisor: Prof. Eng. M.Sheibani, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, 2011
World Heritage registration project of Persian Qanats, "Gouhareiz Qanat"
The International Center on Qanats and Historic Hydraulic Structures (ICQHS), UNESCO, 2012
Landscape along Qanat
The comprehensive management view to Qanat for register at the World Heritage list of UNESCO, Master thesis, Supervisors: Dr. S.H. Taghvaei, Dr. F.Fardanesh, Dr. A. Semsarzadeh Yazdi, 2013
World Heritage registration of “historical texture of Yazd” project in UNESCO
Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization of Yazd, 2015-2016
landscape planning of dried watercourse of Yazd
A project for “Yazd Municipality”, 2016-2017
University of Science and Arts, Yazd, Iran, Oct 2012 - Feb 2017
Architecture Design 1& 2 , Supervisor of under-graduated thesis, Architectural Presentation, Climatic Design & Theory
Eqbal Lahoori Institute of Higher Education (ELIHE) , Sep 2013 - Jun 2015
Climatic Design & Theory
Payame Noor University, Yazd, Iran, Oct 2012 - Jun 2013
Climatic Design & Theory; Architecture Design1; Architecture Theory; Human-Nature and Architecture
Local structure in sustainability of architecture
The First National Conference on structure & architecture accepted for publication in Congress Proceedings, Tehran University, Iran, 2007
Mystery of sustainability Qanat's management system
Presented in the conference of ICOMOS Hellenic and ICAHM 2012 “From past experience to new approaches and synergies: the Future of Protection Heritage Management for Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis”, Athens ,Greece 2012 Published in “The Protection of Archaeological Heritage in Times of Economic Crisis, Edited by Elena Korka”, P (78-90) , Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, ISBN (10): 1-4438-6622-9, ISBN (13): 978-1-4438-6622-4
Core Zone and Buffer Zone of Qanat in Cultural Landscape
In "Contemporary issues in sustainable construction and development" book, P (120- 129), LAMBERT Academic publishing, 2015
Historical Landscape of Yazd, Outstanding Universal Value of urban Landscape
The 1st International Conference on Islamic Heritage Architecture and Art, 2016
Qanat as a human-made chain between harsh nature of dessert and life-scape
ICOMOS-IFLA ISCCL 2015 Annual Meeting, International Symposium ’Re-thinking Lifescape: Linking Landscape to Everyday Life’, 2016
Presentation of doctorate research in the Tappe Sialk Conference, IHF (Iran Heritage Foundation), London, July 2018
Presentation of "Qanat as Historic Element and Future Green Infrastructure of Cities in the Arid Region of Iran", IFLA 2019, Oslo, September 2019
Certificate of "Space Frame Structure"
Under supervision of Prof. Hoshiar Nooshin; Surry University of England & Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman; 2006
University Entrance National Exam for Master degree
The 19th National Rank in Landscape Architecture and the 22th National Rank in Architecture Field among more than 3000 students; 2010
The 3th Festival of Intelligent Ideas of Entrepreneurship, 3th Award Prize
Technology Units Incubator of Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, Iran, 2011
Bagh-Bazaar (Gardem-Bazaar) of Sabzevar design Competition, Honor Award (4th Prize)
Sabzevar City Hall, Semnan, Iran, Jul 2011
Licensed Architect by the Construction Engineering Organization of Iran
for Architectural Design and Supervision; Mashhad, Iran; 2013
Design Competition of “Entrance square of Bojnord city”, Honor award
Municipal of Bojnord, The North Khorasan, Iran, 2014
Gerda Henkel Stiftung scholarship for Ph.D. research at Germany, 2018
Participating in EAMENA training, Archeology Department, Oxford University, June 2018
The second place of “Future of Cities” summer school held by Imperial College London and Technical University Munich, London, June 2018
Free lancer (Landscape Architect, Urban Designer and Architect), 2012-2017
(Cooperation with “Yazd Municipality”, "Cultural Heritage, Handicrafts and Tourism Organization”, "Consolation Engineering Company")
- landscape architecture of dried watercourse of Yazd
- Landscape design of two private villas
- Architect and supervisor of three private apartments
- Design of Phase 1&2 Architecture of Bhabad Hotel in Yazd
- Phase 2 Architecture of 136 units Residential Complex of Yazd
Kianshahr Consultation Engineering, Mashhad, Iran, (Landscape Architect, Urban Designer), 2013-2015
- Arghavan Central Park Design, Torghabeh, Mashahd, Iran
- Urban Design of 64 Hectare Lands of Elahieh, Mashahd, Iran
- Landscape architecture of nodes and pedestrians, Torghabeh, Mashhad
- Ecological Landscape Design of River Bank, Shirvan, North Khorasan, Iran
Yazd Bana Co. Ltd.,Yazd, Iran (Architect, Co. researcher), 2008-2010
- Yazd Central library, second phase
- Research and design of Eco-Tourist houses
- Some Residential Buildings and Complexes at Yazd