The 21st century will see fundamental changes to our urban systems. In order for our graduates to be positively effective in such a highly challenging environment, they need to be able to take on urban planning problems flexibly and independently. Our curriculum therefore provides for an increasingly independent way of working, with a focus on the spatial-procedural approach along our five focus points.


The lecture series in the 4th semester explains basic cultural background and techniques of European urban planning, with a focus on egalitarian ideas and structures. In parallel, the corresponding techniques are exemplified in the basic Bachelor course, with a focus on egalitarian, sustainable and collaborative projects. In the BA studio, this knowledge is applied to a concrete situation and can result in a bachelor's thesis with an urbanistic intervention at the center.


The fundamental ability to carry out urban planning projects forms the basis of the Master Studios, in which architects and urbanists practice the independent appropriation of an issue along a clear methodological framework. The accompanying seminars provide a better understanding of the background of current urban development.


In the seminars Reflection and Methodological Development of Research Questions, the methodological-scientific understanding is sharpened and a thesis task is developed. In the following semester, it is worked out in the master’s thesis as the first completely independent work of the student.


In principle, it is possible to take an elective subject at the professorship. The topics and contents can be freely chosen and must be coordinated with the desired supervisor from the team of the professorship. The project is worked out independently, with 3 appointments for interim critique and discussion. The developed results should be an enrichment for the research topics of the professorship.
Elective "Special Topics" for the BA with 3ECTS
Elective "Special Topics" for the MA with 3ECTS
Elective "Intervention" for the MA with 6ECTS