
Exhibition: Interim status of the Interim City

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Opening & Symposium 18.November 18:00-21:00 Exhibition 18. - 24. November 2022 Matrikulation hall, Technische Universität München, Arcisstraße 21

Do we still live in the city at all - or do we only go there when we have visitors? The old towns and city centres have long since ceased to be the city of everyday life. Thomas Sieverts already made these observations to us 25 years ago. After all, most people spend most of their time in peri-urban spaces: they live in suburbia, work right behind the motorway interchange and spend their leisure time around the shopping centre. Yet the discussion today still often focuses only on inner-city areas. So are we still often talking and discussing about the wrong city today?

The exhibition project Zwischenstand der Zwischenstadt, focuses on precisely those urbanised, hybrid and fragmented landscapes between city and town, countryside and transport hubs, and asks about the economic, social, ecological, cultural and aesthetic conditions of these spaces. The focus of the question about the future of the city is thus precisely not metropolitan urban centres, but instead the periphery: car dealerships and gravel pits, riding stables and DIY stores, caravan sites and cornfields. We look at places where donkeys graze against noise barriers, single-family homes are surrounded by motorway feeder roads, in short, at landscapes where it remains radically unclear where the city begins and the locality ends.
Over the past two semesters, an inter-university research and reflection group consisting of chairs from the TU Munich, the Bauhaus University Weimar, the University of Luxembourg, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology and the Vienna University of Technology has approached these different spaces from various positions and perspectives and will present this interim status for discussion from 18 - 24 November 2022 at the TU Munich. A joint exchange with experts from various disciplines will open the exhibition on 18 November 2022 from 18:00-21:00 in the matriculation hall of the TU Munich.

Press contact:
Sebastian Klawiter & Julia Micklewright
E-mail: &
TUM- Sustainable Urbanism, Prof. Mark Michaeli

Participating chairs:
TUM - Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Boucsein
Bauhaus - Universität Weimar - Professur für Entwerfen und StadtArchitektur, Prof. Andreas Garkisch
Universität Luxemburg - Masterprogramm Architektur, Prof. Dr. Florian Hertweck
KIT - Professur Stadt und Wohnen, Prof. Christian Inderbitzin
TUM - Sustainable Urbanism, Prof. Mark Michaeli
TU Wien - Forschungsbereich Städtebau, Prof. Ute
