- Star Architecture Projects – Effects on Urban Development. Dissertation, 2021 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Dr. Davide Ponzini, Department of Architecture and Urban Studies, Politecnico di Milano
- Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development – The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations. Dissertation, 2021 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst, Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning, Technische Universität München
- The Academic Third Space – The Impact of Interdisciplinary Higher Education on Socio-technical Innovation in Urban Development. Dissertation, 2020 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Heather Campbell PhD, School of Community and Regional Planning (SCARP), University of British Columbia
- Knowledge base shapes use of space: knowledge-workers’ interrelated choices of residence, workplace and commute in the metropolitan region of Munich. Dissertation, 2017 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Gebhard Wulfhorst, Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning, Technische Universität München
- Processes of Exchange and Places of Encounter – The topology of the port-city interface between spatial ambitions and functional realities. Dissertation, 2015 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Mark Michaeli, Chair of Sustainable Urbanism, Technische Universität München
- The multi-dimensional knowledge economy in Germany – Knowledge creation and spatial development. Dissertation, 2014 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Frank Witlox (PhD), Ghent University, Department of Geography
- Materialized flows of knowledge: Airports as new nuclei of a networked-based office landscape. Dissertation, 2014 more…
- Planungsprozesse wirkungsvoller gestalten – Wirkungen, Bausteine und Stellgrößen kommunikativer planerischer Methoden. Dissertation, 2014 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Dr. Walter Schönwandt, Institut für Grundlagen der Planung, Universität Stuttgart.
- Interlocking firm networks and emerging Mega-City Regions – The relational geography of the knowledge economy in Germany. Dissertation, 2011 more…
Prof. Dr. oec. Alain Thierstein
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. mult. Horst Wildemann, Chair for Management, Logistics and Production, Technische Universität München
- Built on Sand? – Emerging Cities on the Arabian Peninsula in the Knowledge Economy Context. Dissertation, 2009 more…