Vorträge wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter
Systemisch optimierte Sanierungsstrategien für energieflexible Quartiere
13. Internationale Energiewirtschaftstagung
17.02.23, TU Wien, Österreich
Paulo Danzer, M.Sc.
LowTech Readiness Indicator (LowTRI) und Robuste Gebäudetechnik
Fachsymposium „Lowtech im Gebäudebereich“ veranstaltet vom: Bundesinstitut für Bau-, Stadt- und Raumforschung (BBSR) im Bundesamt für Bauwesen und Raumordnung (BBR)
16.05.2022, Technische Universität Berlin
Lukas Lauss, M.Sc.
Solar and green potentials for the redevelopment of urban districts
16th Advanced Building Skins Conference & Expo
21.10.2021, Bern (CH)
Elisabeth Fassbender, M.Sc.
Multi-criteria design and decision support for solar and green envelopes
PowerSkin Conference 2021
09.04.2021, Munich
Elisabeth Fassbender, M.Sc.
Effect on Energy Management and Influencing Parameters in Local PV Use
PowerSkin Conference 2021
09.04.2021, Munich
Lea Bogischef, M.Sc.
Lecture: 3D Printed Façade of the Future - From Research to Application
MAS ETH DFAB, ETH Zürich, Webinar
Dr.-Ing. Moritz Mungenast
Mehrwert durch Materialität: Bauten aus Holz und Lehm
Moderner Lehmbau, C.A.R.M.E.N. e.V., Centrales Agrar-Rohstoff Marketing- und Energie-Netzwerk im Kompetenzzentrum für Nachwachsende Rohstoffe
03.12.2020, Webkonferenz
David Selje, M.A.
Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of Operational Faults in Air Handling Units and Unexpected User Behavior for Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort
11th International Conference on Improving Energy Efficiency in Commercial Buildings and Smart Communities (IEECB&SC’20)
01.12.2020, Webkonferenz
Lukas Lauss, M.Sc.
Demand-side management potential of buildings
University College London (UCL) - The Bartlett Factulty of the Built Environment - Institute for Environmental Design and Engineering (IEDE), Webinar
07.10.2020, London (GB)
Dipl.-Ing. Manuel de-Borja-Torrejon, M.Sc.
Wohngebäude als Flexibilitätsbaustein im Quartiersverbund – Entwicklung eines Modellierungsansatzes
BauSIM2020 – 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, Webkonferenz
23.09.2020, Graz (AT)
Lea Bogischef, M.Sc
Energieeffizienz durch Big-Data-Analysen in der Gebäudeautomation
BauSIM2020 – 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, Webkonferenz
23.09.2020, Graz (AT)
Lukas Lauss, M.Sc.
Simulation based analysis and evaluation of operational faults in building technology
BauSIM2020 – 8th Conference of IBPSA Germany and Austria, Webkonferenz
23.09.2020, Graz (AT)
Lukas Lauss, M.Sc.
Demand-side management in buildings
The University of Sydney - School of Architecture, Design and Planning - Indoor Environmental Quality Lab (IEQ Lab)
18.10.2019, Sydney (AU)
Dipl.-Ing. Manuel de-Borja-Torrejon, M.Sc.
TUM Chair of Building Technology and Climate Responsive Design: Research projects
The University of Sydney - School of Architecture, Design and Planning - Indoor Environmental Quality Lab (IEQ Lab)
16.10.2019, Sydney (AU)
Dipl.-Ing. Manuel de-Borja-Torrejon, M.Sc.
Low-Tech-Gebäudekonzepte für Museumsdepots
Das grüne Museum 2019
26.09.2019, Berlin
09.10.2019, Vienna (AT)
15.10.2019, Frankfurt
David Briels, M.Sc.
Interdependency of estimated (objective) and perceived (subjective) comfort using the UTCI model in tropics: the case of Singapore
UTCI - Assessment Measure in Human Bioclimatology - 10 YEARS OF APPLICATION
22.-24.05.2019, Warsaw (PL)
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Climatewalks and flows
AE‘‘ Symposium 2019: Architecture + Environment 2 - New Environments, TU Vienna
29.03.2019, Vienna (AT)
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Climatewalks and flows
AMOR Workshop and Symposium, Sapienza Universita’ di Roma, Faculty of Architecture
25.02.2019, Rome (IT)
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Impacts on the Embodied Energy of Rammed Earth Façades During Production and Construction Stages
PowerSkin Conference 2019
17.01.2019, Munich
Lisa Nanz, M.Sc.
Climate Flows
Symposium ClimaDesign
05. Dezember 2018, Munich
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Developing Personal Thermal Comfort Models for the Control of HVAC in Cars Using Field Data
10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Thermal Comfort
12.-15. April 2018, Windsor (GB)
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Methodological framework for evaluating liveability of urban spaces through a human centred approach
10th Windsor Conference: Rethinking Thermal Comfort
12.-15. April 2018, Windsor (GB)
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Framework for defining a transient outdoor comfort model in dense urban spaces, Processes & Findings
7th international doctoral conference: Architecture and urban design: contemporary research
Prag (CZ), 07.12.2017
Ata Chokhachian, M.Sc.
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
High Tech vs. Low Tech - wohin geht die Reise?
VdW im Dialog - Fachtagung der bayerischen Wohnungsunternehmen
Reit im Winkel, 11.10.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Vohlidka
Micro-Clima Workshop
International Conference on Urban Comfort and Environmental Quality, University of Genoa
Genua (IT), 28.-29.09.2017
Ata Chokhachian, M.Sc.
Increasing the Utilization of Local Energy Potentials through Low Temperature District Heating Networks
Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) 2017 – Design to Thrive
Edinburgh (UK), 03.-05.07.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heißler
Architecture - Urban Climate – Environment
Matej Bel University, Department of environmental management
Banská (SK), 17.04.2017
Ata Chokhachian, M.Sc.
Low Temperature District Heating Networks – the Potentials of Heat Exchange
Positions on Circularity in the Built Environment 2017 – BauHow5
Munich (GER), 13.-15.03.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Martin Heißler
Urban outdoor comfort
Università degli studi di Genova
Genua (IT), 6.03.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
M.Sc. Ata Chokhachian, M.Sc.
Energy Use Plans for cities and quarters
World Sustainable Energy Days 2017
Wels (AT), 03.03.2017
Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Zadow
Non-residential buildings: input parameters for modeling the energy demand
CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics 2016 and BauSIM 2016
Dresden, 14. - 16.10.2015
Laura Franke, M.Sc.
Modelling low-temperature district heating networks for the utilization of local energy potentials
CESBP Central European Symposium on Building Physics 2016 and BauSIM 2016
Dresden, 14. - 16.10.2015
Martin Heissler, M.Sc.
Energy use planIntegration of Sustainable Energy Conference - iSEneC 2016 Konferenz Nürnberg, 12.07.16Dipl.-Ing. Oliver Zadow
Built simple – Climate Engineering 2.0
Plea 2016
Los Angeles (US), 11. -13.07.2016
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Embodied energy as a key for designing low carbon schools
Plea 2016
Los Angeles (US), 11. -13.07.2016
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Resistance to transformation: synthetic visual indicators to evaluate the environmental impact of building refurbishment through the use of BIM models
CESB16 – Central Europe towards Sustainable Building 2016 Prague
Prague (CZ), 21. - 22.06.2016
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Intelligent habitat
R.E.D.S.2Alps2_Flowing Knowledge
Bolzano/Bozen (IT), 28.01.2016
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
E4 Symposium – Technische Universität München
München, 01.12.2015
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
e% - Energieeffizienter Wohnungsbau
Wissenschaftliche Begleituntersuchung
Arbeitskreis Energieeffizientes Bauen, Oberste Baubehörde im Bayerischen Staatsministerium des Innern, für Bau und Verkehr
München 01.10.2015
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Vohlidka
HyperAubing – More with less
Bologna (IT), 9.-11. September 2015
Dipl.-Ing. Daniele Santucci, M.Sc.
Einfluss von Toren auf den Wärmebedarf von Hallen
BVT-Torforum, R+T 2015, Messe Stuttgart
Stuttgart 26.02.2015
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Klaus Klimke
Lastmanagementpotenziale von Gebäuden
Forschungsinitiative Zufunft BAU auf der BAU 2015
München 22.01.2015
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Klaus Klimke
Gebäude als Energiespeicher
Symposium Energieforschung am Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen, Tag der Energie der Bayerischen Ingenieurekammer Bau
München 12.07.2014
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Klaus Klimke
Das CO2-neutrale Logistikzentrum - Entwicklung von ganzheitlichen Handlungsempfehlungen für energieeffiziente Logistikzentren
Symposium Energieforschung am Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen, Tag der Energie der Bayerischen Ingenieurekammer Bau
München 12.07.2014
Dipl.-Ing. Philipp Vohlidka
Energienutzungsplanung historischer Quartiere
Symposium Energieforschung am Zentrum für nachhaltiges Bauen, Tag der Energie der Bayerischen Ingenieurekammer Bau
München 12.07.2014
Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Julia Drittenpreis, M.Sc.
Various door systems in industrial buildings
E.D.S.F. General Assembly
Verona, Italien 12.06.2014
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Klaus Klimke
Energieverluste durch Staplerverkehr
Production Logistics Forum, CeMAT
Hannover 21.05.2014
Dipl.-Wirt.-Ing. Klaus Klimke
Energy Developments Plans – Spatial Planning for more Energy Efficiency
World Sustainable Energy Days 2014
Wels, Österreich 28. Februar 2014
Dipl.-Ing. Univ. Tobias Wagner