
Interactive Visualization

Our creative spirit has long been attracted by the manipulation of perception, from the eccentric distortions of Renaissance anamorphic art to the brilliant light works that dazzle modern cityscapes. With the advancement of technology, this interest has changed, moving from drawn illusions on flat surfaces to the intricate 3D media experiences that permeate our daily lives. The prevalence of digital billboards today carries on this tradition, as their projected visuals blend with the surrounding architecture, making it harder to distinguish between carefully designed digital worlds and reality. Consider the famous Blade Runner cityscape, where ominous holographic billboards change and change again, tricking passersby into perceiving different things.

But the act of manipulating perception extends beyond the digital realm. Consider the dome, an architectural form that, through its very geometry, warps our spatial awareness. Imagine the breathtaking planetarium, where a basic dome changes into an endless canvas of stars, not simply a surface for passive projection, but a portal inviting us to explore celestial realms. The curvature of the dome becomes an active participant, transforming the interior into a canvas of endless possibility.

This semester's journey delves into this captivating intersection of technology, architecture, and the manipulation of perception. Working collaboratively with visiting artists, you will embark on the development of an interactive visualization project. Your canvas: the immersive environment of a dome screen. Think beyond a simple projection surface. The dome's curvature becomes a collaborator, its form shaping your artistic vision and influencing the viewer's experience. Through this project, you will explore the dynamic interplay of light, sound, interactivity, and physical space. Become architects of perception, weaving a narrative that unfolds across the vast, curved surface of the dome. Craft an illusion that transcends the boundaries of the real, challenging preconceived notions of the built environment and leaving viewers with a sense of wonder and possibility.

The main Collaborator for the course is XRHUB Bavaria, which has made possible the access to a Domescreen  for the members of the course to explore and develop their projects. The course will consist of groups of students from various disciplines. No programming experience is required for the course, but a high motivation to explore these topics is required. For Bachelor Games Engineering the course “Modelling with Blender” is a mandatory prerequisite.