Julia Micklewright

research associate
PHd Member of  Graduiertenkolleg 2679 „Urbane Grüne Infrastrukture” since 2022

Room 2237

Arcisstreet 21
F-80333 Munich

Tel. +49 89 289 22343
Fax. +49 89 289 25016

eMail: j.micklewright@tum.de


Julia Micklewright works as research associate at the chair of Sustainable Urbanism since 2022. She graduated with a master’s in architecture at École Nationale Supérieure d’Architecture de Montpellier (ENSAM) with an exchange at the Technical University of Munich (TUM). She acquired practical experience in both architecture and urban planning firms in Germany, France and England.

PhD Research:

Title: “Potentials and conditions for private front gardens to be integrated as multifunctional elements of urban green infrastructure in urban planning policies in the case of Munich”

Co-supervisors: Prof. Dipl. Arch. ETH Mark Michaeli, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stephan Pauleit,

This thesis is part of the Research Training Group 2679 “Urban Green Infrastructure” at TUM

Julia’s research focus lies on the need to integrate private green spaces in urban planning strategies to achieve a continuous urban green infrastructure (UGI). Private green frontages (also known as front gardens or front yards) have the added benefit of participating to the streetscape and may complement or compensate for the lack of street green elements.

The goal of this research is to (1) characterise and quantify the typology of frontages in Munich, (2) model the ecosystem services participating in the multifunctionality of these spaces, and (3) develop scenarios to increase their potential to support the continuity of the UGI and explore the barriers and opportunities of such scenarios by interviewing relevant private and public stakeholders.

Other Research topics:

When talking about urban climate adaptation, we cannot concentrate only on dense city centres. Periurban spaces are where most of the population lives, and these urban fabrics present their own challenges linked to green infrastructure continuity, sustainable mobility, new uses, alternative living forms, production, etc... In the German context, the coining of the term “Zwischenstadt” in 1996  pushed these spaces to the centre of discussions; 25 years later, many aspects still require further research and innovation.

Other activities:

Julia is one of the founders of the “What’s That Green” network, which fosters discussions between professionals in the field of nature-based solutions and urban climate adaptation.