Monographs & Edited Volumes

Gabrielle Schaad and Torsten Lange (eds.) archithese reader: Critical Positions in Search of Postmodernity (1971—1976), Zurich: Triest Verlag, 2023 (in preparation).

Gabrielle Schaad and Torsten Lange (eds.), CARE. gta papers, (fall, 2022, in preparation).

Gabrielle Schaad (ed.), Jiajia Zhang. Shizuko Yoshikawa Advancement Award 2022 for Young Women Artists = Shizuko Yoshikawa Förderpreis 2020 für junge Künstlerinnen, with a contribution by Anna M. Szaflarski, Zurich: Shizuko Yoshikawa and Josef Müller-Brockmann Foundation, 2022, 34p.

Gabrielle Schaad, Daniela Ortiz Santos, Charlotte Malterre-Barthes, and Torsten Lange (eds.), Zeitgenössische Feministische Raumpraxis [Contemporary Feminist Spatial Practice]. ARCH+, no. 246 (February, 2022), 224p.

Gabrielle Schaad (ed.), Lorenza Longhi. Shizuko Yoshikawa Advancement Award 2020 for Young Women Artists = Shizuko Yoshikawa Förderpreis 2020 für junge Künstlerinnen, with a contribution by Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen, Zurich: Shizuko Yoshikawa and Josef Müller-Brockmann Foundation, 2021, 67p.

Gabrielle Schaad, Bilderwahl! Zu Weihnachten. Roman Signer und Kaspar Müller, exh. cat. Kunsthaus Zurich, 2012—2013, Kunstgesellschaft Zürich (ed.), Zurich: Kunsthaus Zurich, 2012, 23p.


Book Chapters & Articles (selection)

“Introduction,” in: Gabrielle Schaad and Torsten Lange (eds.), archithese reader: Critical Positions in Search of Postmodernity (1971—1976), Zurich: Triest Verlag, 2023 [in preparation].

“Critical Commentary. Use & Agency,” in: Gabrielle Schaad and Torsten Lange (eds.), archithese reader: Critical Positions in Search of Postmodernity (1971—1976), Zurich: Triest Verlag, 2023 [in preparation].

“Behind Metenkov’s Curtain’s — A Travelog,” in: Marianne Mueller. Book of Complaints and Suggestions, Basel: Standpunkte, 2022, pp.120-141.

“CARE — Introduction,” in Torsten Lange and Gabrielle Schaad (eds.), CARE. gta papers, (fall, 2022), [in press].

“Making Difference: Reflections on Teaching ‘Architectures of Gender’,” with Torsten Lange, in: Mary Pepchinsky and Christina Budde (eds.), Women Architects and Politics. Intersections between Gender, Power Structures and Architecture in the Long 20th Century, Bielefeld: transcript, 2022, [in press].

“Die «Wuhrstrasse» und ihr Umfeld — Eine Chronik,” in: Luigi Archetti and Pietro Mattioli (eds.), Arbeiten und Wohnen Genossenschaft Maler und Bildhauer Wuhrstrasse 8/10, Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2021, pp.189-198.

“12. Grenzüberschreitungen. Von offenen Zonen und Tentakeln,” with Torsten Lange, in: Marc Angélil, Heike Biechteler, Dieter Dietz, et al. (eds.), Building for Architecture Education. Architekturpädagogiken Lucerne Talks, Zurich: Park Books, 2021, pp.132-137.

“’Reliefenergie’ — Übergänge erfahrbar machen | L’ ‘énergie du relief’ — rendre les transitions perceptibles | ‘Relief Energy’ — Enabling Experiences of Transition,” [incl. translations], in: Miriam Sturzenegger, exh. cat. Manor Kunstpreis Kanton Bern, Pasquart, Kunsthaus Centre d’Art Biel 2020, St. Gallen: Jungle Books, 2020, pp.98-109.

“Notizen zum Wert von Oberflächen” in: Surface and Custom, exh. cat. Shiseido Gallery Tokyo 2020, Keiko Toyoda/Hikotaro Kanehira (eds.), Tokyo: Shiseido Gallery, 2020, pp.87-103.

“Architektur als Ausstellung — Gestimmter Raum | Architecture as exhibition — Well-tuned space,” [trans. by Nicholas Grindell], Muzeum Susch, no. 1, (October, 2020), pp.17-30.

“marguerite hersberger — die kunst, räume zu entfalten | marguerite hersberger — the art of un-folding spaces,” [trans. by Catherine Schelbert], in: marguerite herbsberger. folding pliage faltung, exh. cat. RappazMuseum 2020, Basel: RappazMuseum, 2020, pp.2-5.

“‘Between Man and Matter‘ — Kritische Relektüre der Tokio Biennale 1970,” in: Cornelia Escher and Nina Tessa Zahner (eds.), Begegnung mit dem Materiellen. Erfahrung mit Materialität in Architektur und Kunst, Bielefeld: transcript, 2021, pp.31-52.

“A Room of One’s Own? Zur Verzahnung von Geschlechterrollen und Architektur seit dem Industriezeitalter,” widerspruch, no. 74, (February, 2020), pp.147-158.

“Beton in der Bildende Kunst,” in: Anne Schloen (ed.), Glas und Beton — Manifestationen des Unmöglichen, exh. cat. Marta Herford Museum für Kunst Architektur und Design, Herford: Marta Herford, 2020, pp.89-90.

“Unfolding from a Wrapped-Up Tree,” in: Michael Bodenmann, Research for Peace, Love, Warrior, Dragon, St. Gallen: Jungle Books, 2020, pp.3-4.

“Bernhard Hegglin. Drawing Is Taking a Line for a Walk — A Line Is a Dot That Went for a Walk,” in: Kiefer Hablitzel Stiftung | Ernst Göhner Stiftung (eds.), Kiefer Hablitzel | Göhner Kunstpreis 2019, Wien: Verlag für Moderne Kunst, 2019, pp.34-35.

“Care-Arbeit räumlich denken,” with Torsten Lange, Collage. Zeitschrift des Fachverbands der Schweizer RaumplanerInnen FSU, no. 3, (May, 2019), pp.16-19.

“The Church teaching to transgress? — Von Paradies, Schwellen und Grenzüberschreitungen,” Churchgoer-Blog (Gedanken zur Ausstellung Rob Pruitt — The Church), Kunsthalle Zürich, Akademie online, Mai 2019.

“don’t forget to call your mom — Marktbejahung im Kirchsaal,” Churchgoer-Blog (Gedanken zur Ausstellung Rob Pruitt — The Church), Kunsthalle Zürich, Akademie online, Mai 2019

“Non-Sites — Churchgoer-Blog und andere Beichtstühle,” Churchgoer-Blog (Gedanken zur Ausstellung Rob Pruitt — The Church), Kunsthalle Zürich, Akademie online, April 2019.

”Transdisziplinarität;” ”Architetkur-PhD,” in: Heike Biechteler and Johannes Käferstein (eds.), Architekturpädagogiken: Ein Glossar, Zurich: Park Books, pp.26-27; 132-133.

“Standardized Units? — Zurich Concrete Artist Shizuko Yoshikawa›s Oeuvre,” in: Lars Müller (ed.), shizuko yoshikawa, with a contribution by Midori Yoshimoto, Zurich: Lars Müller Publishers, 2018, pp.9-113 [including German version and Japanese translation].

“L’Homme ordinaire. Travail, loisirs et société automatisée dans l’installation photographique de Okamoto Tarō, Osaka, 1970,” Transbordeur photographie histoire société, no. 2 (2018), pp.114-123.

“Prostitution, Moral Spatiality and Urban Territory — The Example of Zurich,” with Charlotte Malterre-Barthes and Valentina Genini, trans (Liebe), no. 32 (2018), pp.55-60.

“Progrès et harmonie pour l’humanité?,” in: Nikola Jankovic (ed.), Turner, Fred: Pepsi ‘70. Une multinationale à la rencontre de la contre-culture (collection design), Paris: Éditions B2, 2017, pp.3-38.

“Der städtische Bahnhof — Mehr als SCHWARZ und WEISS. Gabrielle Schaad im Gespräch mit Trix Haussmann, Robert Haussmann und Stanislaus von Moos,” in: Arthur Rüegg, Bruno Maurer and Gabriela Güntert (eds.), Trix und Robert Haussmann. Kultur der Formgebung, Zurich: gta Verlag, 2017, pp.262-273.

“Trix und Robert Haussmann im Gespräch mit Ben Weinberg und Gabrielle Schaad,” in: Haussmann für Weinberg, Zurich: Edition Patrick Frey, 2015, pp.172-201.

“Hall of Mirrors,” PIN-UP Magazine, no. 19 (2015), pp.202-209.

“Terayama Shūji,” Kunsthalle Zurich Blog, online, (February, 2015).

“...une peinture, c’est aussi un texte et une idée,” in: Balthazar Lovay/Nikola Jankovic (eds.), Trix & Robert Haussmann. Pour un maniérisme critique (collection design), Fri-Art, Fribourg / Paris: Éditions B2, 2014, pp.39-69.

“Exploring the Off-Modern. Annette Amberg’s Historiography of Representation,” in: The Futures of the Past, exh. cat. Kunstraum Riehen 2013, Heidi Brunnschweiler (ed.), Freiburg: Modo Verlag, 2013, pp.46-63.

“Fantastische Bildwelten zwischen High und Low,” in: Franz Karl Basler-Kopp. Fantastische Bildwelten, exh. cat. Museum of Art Lucerne 2013, Christoph Lichtin (ed.), Lucerne: Pro Libro, 2013, pp.42-55.

“Glossary,” (with Muriel Perez, Filine Wagner and Bice Curiger), in: Riotous Baroque. Tributes to Precarious Vitality, exh. cat. Kunsthaus Zurich 2012, Zurich: Snoeck, 2012, pp.153-164.

“Bewegung im Kreis 4 — Raum der Arbeit, Aktion und Agitation,” in: Caspar Schaerer et al. (eds.), Grösser als Zürich —  Ein kleines Psychogramm des Zürcher Stadtquartiers Aussersihl, Zurich: Scheidegger & Spiess, 2012, pp.134-137.

“‘… dass ein Bild auch ein Gedanke und ein Text ist’. Gabrielle Schaad im Gespräch mit Trix und Robert Haussmann,” in: Fredi Fischli and Niels Olsen (eds.), Robert und Trix Haussmann, with contributions by Liam Gillick and Karl Holmqvist, Zurich: Studiolo / Edition Patrick Frey, 2012, pp.176-215.

“Ein Archiv als Werkzeugkasten,” with Fredi Fischli, in: Im Bild. Vom Umgang mit Bildern, exh. cat. Forum Schlossplatz Aarau, 2010, with a contribution by Charlotte Klonk, Nadine Schneider (ed.), Aarau: Forum Schlossplatz, 2010, pp.38-43

Art Criticism (selection)

“Jay Chung & Q Takeki Maeda. Surface and Custom. Shiseido Gallery, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (December, 2019).

“Sophie Calle. Fotomuseum Winterthur,” Artforum online issue, (July, 2019).

“Producing Futures: An Exhibition on Post-Cyber Feminisms. Migros Museum for Contemporary Art, Zurich,” Artforum online issue, (April, 2019).

“Yes, I believe every word you say? Glaube, Macht, Arbeit in Andrea Büttners ‘Gesamtzusammenhang’, Kunsthalle St. Gallen,” Brand New Life, 1.5.2017, (online magazine).

“Kriens: Kaspar Müller — Frankfurt Freakout,” Kunstbulletin, no. 1-2, (2016), n.p.

“Lucy Stein. Gregor Staiger Gallery, Zurich,” Artforum online issue, (July, 2015).

“Rosemarie Trockel. Kunsthaus Bregenz,” Artforum online issue, (April, 2015).

“Jirō Takamatsu. MOMAT National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (February, 2015).

“Tokyo Art Meeting V: Seeking New Genealogies—Bodies/Leaps/Traces,” Artforum online issue, (November, 2014).

“Sophie Taeuber-Arp. Aargauer Kunsthaus, Aarau,” Artforum online issue, (October, 2014).

“Emanuel Rossetti. Kunsthalle Bern,” Artforum online issue, (September, 2014).

“The Way of Painting. Tokyo Opera City Art Gallery,” Artforum online issue, (August, 2014).

“Nobuyoshi Araki. Taka Ishii Gallery, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (June, 2014).

“Hiroshi Tachibana. Sprout Curation, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (May, 2014).

“Daan van Golden. Misako&Rosen, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (May, 2014).

“Tetsumi Kudō. MOMAT National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo,” Artforum online issue, (March, 2014).

“Critical Practice. Arata Isozaki.12x5=60, Watari Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo,” domus, (online issue, October, 2014).

“Tell it to My Heart: Collected by Julie Ault, Museum für Gegenwartskunst, Basel,” Flash Art, (May-June, 2013), p.142.

“Reactivating a Manifesto. An Architecture Report from Zurich,” in: domus, no. 957 (2012), p.10 (online issue, March, 2012).

“Adriana Lara, Kunsthalle Basel,” frieze d/e, no. 7, (2012), pp.127-128.

“Ciara Philips, Galerie Gregor Staiger,” frieze d/e, no. 6, (2012), p.142.

“Tobias Madison, Galerie Karma International,” frieze d/e, no. 5, (2012), pp.132-133.

“Nelly Rudin, Haus Konstruktiv,” frieze d/e, no. 4, (2012), pp.128-129.

“Tadashi Kawamata und Fischli/Weiss. Zellwegerpark Uster,” archithese, no. 1, (2011), pp.76-77.

“Art in the Harbour. An Art Report from Rotterdam by Gabrielle Schaad,” domus, (online issue, July, 2011).

“Sprungbrett. Stipendienausstellung der Stadt Zürich,” Züritipp, 14.7.—20.7.2011, n.p.

“Guter Stoff. Alice Channer, Galerie Bolte Lang,” Züritipp, 7.7.—13.7.2011, n.p.

“Pop-Schamane. Fabian Marti, Kunstmuseum Winterthur,” Züritipp, 21.4.—27.4.2011, n.p.


Encyclopedia Entries, Lexicon Articles, Collection Databases

“Miriam Sturzenegger” (Swiss Lexicon on Art, SIKART online, Zurich, 2022).

“Silvie & Chérif Defraoui” (biography and works in Collection online, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2011).

“Rupprecht Geiger” (biography and works in Collection online, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2011).

“Claude Sandoz” (biography and works in Collection online, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2011). 

“Jean-Frédéric Schnyder” (biography and works in Collection online, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2011).

“Ernst Schurtenberger” (biography and works in Collection online, Museum of Art Lucerne, 2011).

“Yoki“ (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, HDS online, 25.1.2015).

“Adolf Max Vogt” (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, HDS online, 30.5.2012).

“Hans Trog” (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, HDS online, 16.4.2012).

“Jörg Zintzmeier” (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, HDS online, 16.12.2011).

“Hannes Wettstein” (Historical Dictionary of Switzerland, HDS online, 30.11.2011).

“Hans Fischli” (Virtual Showcase, Swiss Art Archive online, SIK-ISEA, Zurich, 11.10.2010).

“Aldo Walker” (Virtual Showcase, Swiss Art Archive online, SIK-ISEA, Zurich, 25.11.2009).

“Peter J. Knapp” (Swiss Lexicon on Art, SIKART online, Zurich, 2009).


Research Papers, Invited Lectures (selection)

“Working Between Art and Architectural History – Hybrid Practice,” guest lecture in the frame of the “Global Seminar,” led by artist Yu Araki, Kyoto University of the Arts, ZOOM


“Gestreift, gespiegelt und verfremdet — Zur kritischen Funktion von Ornament und Täuschung in der postmodernistischen Architektur,” guest lecture in the frame of the exhibition “Yuki Kimura. COL SPORCAR SI TROVA,” Kunstverein Düsseldorf.


“COLLECTIVES WORK — Produktionsmittel feministischer Raumpraxis,” guest lecture in the frame of the seminar “Means of Production,” Elena Markus PhD, Architecture Theory and Science, Institute ATW, TU Darmstadt, ZOOM.


“Building on Counterpublics — Over 30 Years in the Making,” introductory lecture to public lecture series “Cultural Heritage, History and Criticism: Building on Counterpublics,” TU Munich.


“‘Architektur in Trümmern’? Zur Bezogenheit, Interdependenz und Relativität von ‘Alt’ und ‘Neu’,” guest lecture and panelist for the anniversary symposium 50 years archithese Architektur in Trümmern, Photobastei, Zurich.


“Take Me Higher — Frauen in der kunstwissenschaftlichen Laufbahn (aus historischer Perspektive),” keynote lecture mid-term event mentoring program, Vereinigung der Kunsthistorikerinnen und Kunsthistoriker in der Schweiz (VKKS), ZOOM.


“Teaching Architectures of Gender,” with Torsten Lange PhD, in the frame of the series Diversity in the Curriculum, Aarhus School of Architecture, ZOOM.


“The Making Difference-Blog as Archival Tool,” workshop contribution to “Opening up Architectural and Building Archives,” The Barbican Centre x The Bartlett School of Architecture, London, ZOOM.


“Women Architects in Modern Japan,” guest lecture in seminar “Why Have There Been No Great Women* Architects,” Cole Collins PhD, Chair of Theory and History of Architecture, Art and Design, TU Munich.


“Architektur von Kollektiven — Von der ‘Frauenforschung’ zu queer-feministischen Perspektiven,” guest lecture in the frame of the symposium The Art of Display — Ausstellungsentwürfe und Schaukonzepte von Architektinnen, Planerinnen und Designerinnen — Schweizer und Dänische Forschung im Dialog, SNSF-Project SAFFA 1958, ZHAW Winterthur, ZOOM.


Contribution Workshop-Symposium “Transitional Space. Japanese Houses Through Digital Scans,” Chair of Landscape Architecture (Prof. Christophe Girot), ETH Zurich.


“Collective Practices & Cooperative Initiatives as Environmental Critique c. 1980,” introductory lecture to lecture series “Cultural Heritage, History and Criticism: Collectives Work, TU Munich.


“Safe Spaces? Queere Räume in Wu Tsangs ‚Wildness’,” with Torsten Lange PhD, guest lecture in the frame of design studio fem*city Berlin, Julia Köpper and Prof. Jörg Stollmann Chair for Urban Design and Urbanisation CUD, TU Berlin.


“A Room of One’s Own? — Architektur zwischen Vergemeinschaftung, Rationalisierung, Marginalisierung und Aneignung,” guest lecture on occasion of magazine launch widerspruch. Beiträge zu sozialistischer Politik. “Feministische Fragen zum Frauen*streik 2019,” Paranoia City Bookstore, Zurich.


“Safe Spaces? Queere Zeit- und Räumlichkeiten in Wu Tsangs ‚Wildness’,” with Torsten Lange PhD, guest lecture in the frame of public lecture series Doing Space. Doing Gender, Hochschule der Künste Braunschweig und Institut für Geschichte und Theorie der Architektur und Stadt (GTAS), Braunschweig.


“Care-Arbeit räumlich denken,” with Torsten Lange PhD, guest lecture in the frame of the series “LARES_input,” organized by Lares. Gender- und alltagsgerechtes Planen und Bauen (Rachel Gaudenz-Busin & Prof. Barbara Zibell PhD), Cabaret Voltaire, Zurich.


“Re-/Constructing the Constructivist Interior — A Travelogue,” Museum of Photography Metenkov House, Ekaterinburg.


“Bodies of Knowledge — Knowledge of Bodies: How to make constructions legible?,” conference paper in the frame of Fielding Architecture: Feminist Practices for a Decolonised Pedagogy, 24.-25.6.2022, Department of Architecture, University of Brighton.


“Making Difference: Architectures of Gender,” with Torsten Lange PhD, in the frame of the public lecture series “Spann—Weiten,” organized by guest professors Maria Conen and Raoul Sigl, Department of Architecture, TU Dresden.


“Performing Environmental Textures — Looking Back on Academic Research in Japan,” guest lecture in the frame of the research project “The Culture of Water” between Kyoto Institute of Technology and Institute of Architecture, Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts (HSLU).


“Collective Form between Migration, Adaptation and Appropriation: Thai-domesticity at Golden Mile Complex Singapore?,” European Architectural History Network (EAHN) conference “Displacement & Domesticity since 1945. Refugees, Migrants & Expats Making Homes,” organized by KU Leuven, 28.3.—29.3.2019, Palais des Académies, Brussels.


“Complying with Iron and Irony. Different Angles on the International Sculptors‘ Symposium (Osaka, 1970),” conference paper in the frame of the IAJS Thematic Conference 2018 “The West in Japanese Imagination / Japan in Western Imagination: 150 Years to the Meiji Restoration,” 18.12.—20.12.2018, Tel Aviv University.


“‘Between Man and Matter’. Kritische Relektüre der Tokio Biennale 1970,” guest lecture in the frame of the public lecture series “Begegnungen mit dem Materiellen,” Ass. Prof. Cornelia Escher PhD and Prof. Nina Tessa Zahner PhD, Kunstakademie Düsseldorf.


“An Architectural History of Sex Separation and Gendered Bathrooms,” with Torsten Lange PhD, diversity lunch-talk “Gender in 3 Dimensions” by invitation of the art & design collective lust*voll, Institute Art & HyperWerk, Hochschule für Gestaltung und Kunst Basel (FHNW).


“Queer*Feminist Pedagogies in Architectural Theory,” with Torsten Lange PhD, in the frame of the international symposium “Women Architects and Politics in the Long 20th Century,” organized by Christina Budde and Prof. Mary Pepchinsky PhD, 17.1.—19.1.2018, Deutsches Architekturmuseum (DAM), Frankfurt a. M.


“Concrete Nonlinear. On Building a Monograph of Zurich Artist Shizuko Yoshikawa,” research talk by invitation of the Association of Assistants at the Department of Architecture, ETH Zurich.


“The Material is the ‘Massage’? — Embodying Semiotic Transformations,”paper in the frame of “Confronting Matter,”workshop with Reiko Tomii PhD (independent scholar), organized by MA Tomoko Mamine, 26.10.—27.10.2015,Institute of East Asian Art History, FU Berlin.


“Träume sind Schäume. Japanische Nachkriegsarchitektur zwischen Utopie und Gesamtkunstwerk,” guest lecture in the frame of the exhibition “Logical Emotion. Contemporary Art from Japan,” Haus Konstruktiv, Zurich, 2.10.2014—11.1.2015.


“Spannungsfeld Expo ’70: Der Mitsui-Pavillon. Ein Environment als Umstülpung von Innen und Aussen,” paper in the frame of the SNSF-graduate students’ colloquium “Pro*Doc Art & Science,” workshop with Prof. Cornelia Jöchner PhD (Ruhr-University, Bochum), Nina Zschocke PhD, ETH Zurich und Prof. Bernd Nicolai PhD, University of Bern.


“Human and Machine Interaction in Katsuhiro Yamaguchi’s Environmental Design for the Mitsui Pavilion (Osaka Expo ‘70),” paper in the frame of the conference “Futures Past. Design and the Machine,” 21.11.—23.11.2013, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, Mass.


“Environmental Approaches — Bodies, Material and Processes as an ‘Internet of Things’? Revisiting Isozaki Arata’s Festival Plaza and Works by Gutai Artists,” paper in the frame of the SNSF-graduate students’ colloquium “Pro*Doc Art & Science,” workshop with Prof. Keller Easterling PhD (Yale School of Architecture), Prof. Philip Ursprung PhD and Nina Zschocke PhD, ETH Zurich.


“Das Atelier. Vom Projektions- zum Projektraum,” evening lecture in the frame of the exhibition “Das Atelier: Ort der Produktion,” Museum of Art Lucerne, 3.3.—29.7.2012.


“Work in Progress — Bodies in Process. Gutai v. Metabolism,” lecture in the frame of the opening workshop of the doctoral program “Pro*Doc Art & Science” founded by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), Swiss Institute for Art Research (SIK-ISEA), Zurich.


Organization of Lecture Series, Excursions, Panels (selection)

2022 Spring Term


Building on Counterpublics: Cultural Heritage, History and Criticism (public lecture series)
School of Engineering and Design, TU Munich in collaboration with Professorship of Sculpture
Gerry Bibby, Academy of Fine Arts Munich
featuring Alexandra Gajowy; Dubravka Sekulić; Ben Campkin; Cole Collins; Gürsoy Doğtaş & Gerry Bibby; Maria Grever


ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK
featuring artists Tarek Lakhrissi, Lorenza Longhi, Deborah-Joyce Holman


2021 Fall Term


ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK
featuring artists Prem Sahib, Patterson Beckwith, Beatrice Gibson


2021 Spring Term


Collectives Work: Cultural Heritage, History and Criticism (public lecture series)
Department of Architecture, TU Munich
in collaboration with Lenbachhaus Munich
featuring Mary Miss, Andrea J. Merrett, Janice Mitchell, Dana Buntrock, Katia Frey & Eliana Perotti, Khensani de Klerk & Solange Mbanefo, Jos Boys, Stephanie Herold



ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK
featuring artists Pauline Curnier Jardin, Walead Beshty, Susan Philipsz, Annika Ström


2020 Fall Term


ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK
featuring artists Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Carey Young, Claus Richter


2020 Spring Term


ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK


2019 Fall Term

Academic-activist intervention

“Emergency Exits”
Future Clinic for Critical Care FCCC#6 Zurich — Institution
with Torsten Lange PhD and Li Tavor
organized by Nina Mühlemann PhD and Edwin Ramirez
Migros Kulturprozent & Theater Gessnerallee, 23.11.2019

Co-organizer and fundraising

ZINE in Japan, 20.10.—2.11.2019, (excursion to Tokyo)
Double module (co-teaching with Prof. Nadia Graf and artist Hayahisa Tomiyasu)
in collaboration with the Tokyo Polytechnic University (TPU) & POST bookstore, Tokyo
BA Fine Arts, Department Fine Arts, ZHdK


ART TALKS (public lecture series)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK,
featuring artists Monster Chetwynd, Cory Arcangel, Christoph Hefti, Edward Thomasson


2019 Spring Term


Venice Biennale, 10.6.—14.6.2019, (excursion to Venice)
BA Art & Media module (co-teaching with Prof. Elke Bippus PhD)
Department Fine Arts, ZHdK


Lucerne Talks — Symposium für Architekturpädagogiken “Building for Architecture Education,” Lucerne School of Engineering and Architecture, Institute of Architecture, Lucerne School of Applied Sciences (HSLU), 17.5.2019


“Unbuilding Gender” keynote lecture by Prof. Jack Halberstam PhD (Columbia University, NY),
in the frame of the co-taught seminar: Architectures of Gender: body_building, Visiting Lectureship of the Theory of Architecture (Torsten Lange PhD), gta, ETH Zurich, and ART TALKS, Department of Art & Media, ZHdK, 13.5.2019


“Andrea Fraser. Art in the Age of Plutocracy” featuring Andrea Fraser
hosted by gta exhibitions and Chair Karin Sander, ETH Zurich, 6.5.2019


“Workshop Architectural Pedagogies,” PARITY TALKS IV
D-ARCH, ETHZ, 8.3.2019

Academic-activist intervention

“Eat the Stairs”
Future Clinic for Critical Care FCCC#4 Zürich — Home
with Torsten Lange PhD, Laia Maier, Tamim Hokan
organized by Nina Mühlemann PhD, Edwin Ramirez and Jeremy Wade
Migros Kulturprozent & Theater Gessnerallee, 9.2.2019


2018 Spring Term/Fall Term

Co-organizer and moderator

Interdependent Bodies. Making Non-Normative Spaces for Care (public panel discussion)
featuring Prof. Adam Caruso, Jos Boys, Nina Mühlemann PhD, Caroline Cardus, and Torsten Lange PhD
D-ARCH, ETH Zurich, 29.10.2018


Finland. Nature—Constructs, 15.6.—23.6.2018, (excursion to Alvar & Aino/Elissa Aalto’s buildings)
Visiting Lectureship of the Theory of Architecture (Torsten Lange PhD), gta
D-ARCH, ETH Zurich

Organizer and moderator

Workshop and guest lecture by Prof. Beatriz Colomina PhD (Princeton University), in the frame of the co-taught seminar: Critical Issues. ‘Archithese’ in its Early Years, Visiting Lectureship of the Theory of Architecture (Torsten Lange PhD), gta, ETH Zurich, 14.5.2018

Organizer and fundraising

Asahi Picture News — Thinking Out Loud, (workshop on circulation and aesthetics of Japanese avant-garde magazines)
in collaboration with Prof. Kin’ichi Obinata (Kyūshū Sangyō University), Mélanie Mermod (curator, Paris), Dossier Internationales (ZHdK), Kunsthalle Zurich and Edition Patrick Frey, Zurich, Toni-Areal, Zurich, 26.4.—28.4.2018 


“Feminist Architectural Pedagogies” PARITY TALKS III
D-ARCH, ETHZ, 8.3.2018


2017 Spring Term/Fall Term


Venice Biennale, 30.10.—3.11.2017, (excursion to Venice)
BA Art & Media module (co-teaching with Prof. Elke Bippus PhD)
Department Art & Media, ZHdK

Coordinator and moderator

Enact. Empower? (public lecture series)
Department of Art & Media, ZHdK
featuring Jasmina Metwaly, Prof. Angela Dimitrakaki PhD, Elisabeth Lebovici PhD, Juliana Huxtable, and Prof. Gerald Raunig PhD


2016 Fall Term

Host and organizer

“Wilderness as Method. Contemporaneity as Method,
book tour by independent researcher Reiko Tomii PhD, (New York/Tokyo)
(introducing: Radicalism in the Wilderness, Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2016)
in collaboration with the master program Cultural Analysis at the University of Zurich (Dr. des. Benno Wirz), ETH Zurich, gta, Chair for the History and Theory of Art and Architecture (Prof. Philip Ursprung PhD), FriArt Fribourg, (Balthazar Lovay and Mathieu Copeland), 17.11.—18.11.2016


Exhibition Space NEST (Department Fine Arts, ZHdK), 2019–ongoing


BILDFENSTER (Cinema Houdini, Zurich), 2019–2022


LE FOYER – IN PROCESS (nomadic discursive platform, Zurich), 2011–2013; 2018–ongoing