
Between 10 and 13 April 2017 the Chair of Urban Development at TUM hosted the 11th "Young Academics Conference" of the Association of European Schools of Planning (AESOP) in Munich. The Young Academics conference is the largest gathering of young scholars – PhD students, PostDocs, as well as young practitioners – from urban planning and related fields in Europe. 53…

Alain Thierstein has published a new book chapter, together with Irina Auernhammer, partner of auernhammer wohlrab architektur, and Fabian Wenner, associate at the Chair of Urban Development. It is entitled "Munich. Staying competitive, yet socially inclusive?" and is part of the edited book by Roberta Cucca and Costanzo Ranci "Unequal Cities. The challenge of…

On 14 and 15 October 2015, the Chair of Urban Development of TU Munich organised the conference "Shaping Regional Futures" at Oskar von Miller-Forum in Munich jointly with TU Delft. The conference aimed at clarifying the performance of regional design: the different ways of imagining and envisioning spatial futures of regions and how these informal processes enhance…

From 14.7. to 16.10.2016, the architecture museum of TUM at Pinakothek der Moderne hosts the exhibition "World of Malls. Architectures of Consumption". Alain Thierstein has contributed to the exhibition catalogue with an article on "The Shopping Mall: How Do I Organize the Human Need for Encounter in a Spatially Efficient Way?". More Information on the exhibition…

Davide Ponzini, Associate Professor of Urban Planning at Politecnico di Milano will give a public lecture on "Starchitecture and the city - Current issues in transnational architecture and urbanism" on Monday, May 30th, 18:30 at Vorhoelzer Forum. The lecture is open to all interested student and external visitors. More Information can be found in the flyer.

Topic: City, country, dates? Digitisation means: knowledge is available in a previously undreamt-of scope. Data can be collected, linked and evaluated in new ways. This changes communication and decision-making processes in cities and urban research. This ExWoSt study examines whether and how gamification, wikis, prediction markets, etc. can create new knowledge for…

The chair of urban development participated in this years' AESOP conference in Prague, Czech Republic, with three presentations and one poster presentation. Alain Thierstein presented current research in the projects "housing, employment, mobility" as well as civil society participation networks (based on work by Agnes Förster), which met with wide interest.…

This brochure documents the results of a studio-based MSc Urbanism-Landscape and City student project, titled “The North of Munich: Stuck in Transition? “. This studio project was held at the Chair of Urban Development in the Winter Semester 2014-2015.   The project focused on the not so “thick” (Brantz et al., 2012), yet Metropolitan, space in-between the…

A conference on the performance of regional design

Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein has published an article on the present state of planning, planning education and dominant themes in planning in The Planning Review of ETH Zurich university, disP. He argues that planning in Germany is in need of a more flexible legal framework to cope with new challenges if it does not want to become obsolete. "Strategic visioning and…