Topic: The Chair of Spatial Development participates with Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein in the team of the project leader STAT-UP Statistical Consulting & Data Science GmbH, Munich.
The project combines field test and research. Data collection is no longer the domain of science and statistical offices. Sensors, apps and websites generate masses of data. Big-data analyses should enable new insights from these data. Ubiquitous terms such as "Big Data", "Data Science" and "Smart Cities" put pressure on municipalities to keep up with the rapid developments. But how can local authorities, together with their citizens, make meaningful and future-oriented use of new processes and data sources?
Click here for the BBSR project description:
Involved team members: Alain Thierstein
Client: Federal Institute for Research on Building, Urban Affairs and Spatial Development (BBSR), STAT-UP Statistical Consulting & Data Science GmbH