2022-2024 BeneVit – Innovative Assessment Methods for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Investments

Forschung |

New transport infrastructure projects are usually subject to a benefit-cost analysis prior to their construction. Such analyses are expected to guarantee an efficient use of public funds. However, the method of these analyses has been criticized for a long time. Primarily, because the “Standardisierte Bewertung“(German term for standardized evaluation) of public transport projects systematically underestimates certain benefits like societal and urban-spatial benefits and thus does not account for a sustainable spatial and transport development.

The aim of this project is to develop and test an innovative assessment method that also integrates these benefits that are hard to quantify and were neglected so far, as well as in view of assessment methods in other countries. 

Researchers at the chair: Alain Thierstein, Fabian Wenner, Mathias Heidinger; research group "Land Use, Infrastructure, Spatial Transformation"

Prinicpal: German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF)

Cooperation Partners: TUM Lehrstuhl für Siedlungsstruktur und Verkehrsplanung (TUM SV), Intraplan Consult GmbH (Intraplan) Münchner Verkehrsgesellschaft (MVG), Münchner Verkehrs- und Tarifverbund (MVV), Landeshauptstadt München, Baureferat, Abteilung Ingenieurbau (LHM), Bayerisches Staatsministerium für Wohnen, Bau und Verkehr, Referat 52 und Referat 54 (StMB)