
Open Spaces Along the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal

Exhibition of designs as part of the master's project "Canaletto - Open Spaces Along the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal"

in the Immatrikulationshalle of the Technical University of Munich, 07.02.-14.02.2019
in the foyer of the Institut für Landespflege und Botanik TUM, Emil-Ramann-Straße 6, 15.02 - 01.04.2019
in the foyer of the Department of Urban Planning and Building Regulations of the City of Munich, Blumenstraße 28b, 04.06 - 18.06.2019

Design Task

Elector Max II. Emmanuel had the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal built at the beginning of the 18th century as part of baroque urban planning. Waterways and streets were used equally as means of urban planning to provide Munich with an absolutist city layout. While road traffic axes became characteristic structures in the further development of the city, the baroque canal seemed to be neglected. Today, it is of central importance as a city-crossing, inner-city open space structure for people, animals and plants, but has almost been forgotten in the cityscape. As part of a study project at the Technical University of Munich, the question was therefore investigated as to how this important water axis and its various concerns could be brought into harmony with the city's surroundings.

The Master's students recorded the open space characters of the Nymphenburg-Biedersteiner Canal as well as numerous hidden qualities and jointly developed guidelines for possible development scenarios. In six drafts, a sensitive, critical examination of the existing urban, open space and ecological structures took place.


Alexandra Altmann, Caterina Bues, Minghui Chen, Gero Engeser, Paulina Grotz, Marie Hartmann, Nina Hofmann, Xiaoxiao Liu, Nives Mrljic, Caroline Müller, Johannes Schmitt, Duygu Sinirlioğlu, Anna-Maria Steinert, Daniela Sundmacher, Špela Šuštarič, Clara Veith, Xiabin Xie, Wen Yang


Prof. Regine Keller, M.Sc. Johann-Christian Hannemann, Dipl.-Ing. Felix Lüdicke
Gastprofessorin Silvia Benedito (GSD Harvard, USA)
Tanja Gallenmüller (Callwey Verlag),

Student Works

More information and the individual projects can be found in the Showroom.
