Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space

Prof. Regine Keller

Our research areas address an expanded notion of public space.

Our focus on public space currently has, in addition to the important political role, the opportunity to embody forms of sociality and communion. In dealing with the consequences of the climate crisis, public space also offers essential fields of experimentation to work out how we can survive in cities in the future. This requires multidisciplinary approaches that rescale the relationship: human space environment. 
rescale. Vegetation-soil-water-animals-humans is only one of the structures that occupies us in our built environment with all its technical infrastructure. Culture-Economy-Politics-Social are mechanisms of action that lie as context behind our ways of working. 

New quantitative and qualitative methods are added to the classical canon of analysis methods, against the current tendencies of conformity, restriction and delimitation of landscape architectural design. This also includes new processes of thinking and perception, which should lead to an expanded concept of the production of space. The examination of current theses of the subject is enriched by inter- and transdisciplinary working methods.