
This paper challenges the traditional perspective of a territorial core–periphery pattern as an organizing principle of space by introducing a relational perspective through an empirical approach. We study spatial processes of knowledge creation among advanced producer services in Germany between 2009 and 2019. We use a unique longitudinal dataset to analyse if German…

Multi-location knowledge-intensive firms span their value chains and thus their locations across space. Increased globalization alters the spatial configuration of such networks of knowledge creation. Longitudinal social network analysis allows detecting temporal changes in the arrangement of nodes and edges in the network and resulting changes in the overall…

The recognizability of exceptional buildings is aided by its architecture, but arguably also increasingly by its performance on social media. But how can we make sense of social media content that users generate about a building?  We, a group with background in architecture, urbanism and informatics, developed and tested a methodology to make sense of the performance…

Dr.-Ing. Fabian Wenner, reserarch and teaching associate at the Chair of Urban Development, has been selected to become a member of this years cohort of the European Talent Academy. The European Talent Academy (ETA) is a joint initiative of TUM and its partners Imperial College London and Politecnico di Milano. It supports young research talents in developing their…

On January 21st 2023 Dr.-Ing. Fabian Wenner held an online presentation as part of the debate series “Talking About Land” of the Irish Housing Agency, an Irish government organisation. He spoke about the advantages of the land value tax regarding urban development in comparison to other types of real estate taxes.  A presentation video and the slides are available…

The students of the Master's program in Urbanism present their results in Mühldorf am Inn.

Dr.-Ing. Fabian Wenner was awarded the 2022 doctoral prize by the Friends of TUM e.V. for his dissertation "Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations". Fabian Wenner has been researching and teaching at the Chair of Spatial Development at the TUM School of Engineering and Design since 2014. He…

In the monthly published American business magazine 'Fast Company', Dr. Nadia Alaily-Mattar is interviewed on her research on the Bilbao effect.

The majority of people in Europe live outside the classic cities. "Zwischenstadt/Cities without Cities" is what Thomas Sieverts calls it in his world-famous book from 1997. 25 years later, we are looking again at these urbanised cultural landscapes, these sprawling messes. We consciously turn our gaze away from the metropolitan urban centres to places on the periphery…

„Urban Futures Thinking“ invites students from all disciplines and TUM Schools to engage in a joint discussion on the future of urban space with a concrete example in Munich. All day event, January 9th - 13th 2023.