
In the Austrian daily newspaper 'Der Standard', Prof. Dr. Alain Thierstein is interviewed on the topic "What is the 15-minute city to us?".

Opening & Symposium 18.November 18:00-21:00 Exhibition 18. - 24. November 2022 Matrikulation hall, Technische Universität München, Arcisstraße 21

ULI Germany/Austria/Switzerland and Hines Germany had invited: Together with Economic Officer Clemens Baumgärtner and Gregor Karch from Bosch, Prof. Alain Thierstein discussed the current and future challenges of urban development with regard to the spatial development of economic areas. It became clear: Where people work, they also want a high quality of life. And…

Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics. Does the online circulation of photographs influence the image of a city? The iconicity of an exceptional architectural project might have distinct transformative effects. See our analysis of flickr and the Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg. Read it HERE.

Great pleasure was it to host an ERASMUS-funded visit by Prof. Dr. Christophe Demazière and by Ass. Prof. Dr. Divya Leducq at our TUM chair. They both are teaching urban and regional planning in the Master’s programme ‘Planning & Sustainability’ at the Ecole Polytéchnique de Tours. During their stay in Munich they contributed to our seminar on the Airport Region of…

A newly published paper by the Chair of Urban Development looks at potential medium to long-term consequences of higher shares of working from home on the locational decisions of households in the metropolitan region of Munich. It was published in the journal Urban Planning and it can be accessed here. An article in Süddeutsche Zeitung on 02.06.2021 and an article in…

How can the complexity of architecturally exceptional projects be comprehended? What roles do the political contexts play in the commissioning of such projects and what audiences do these projects serve? How has the granting of professional recognition for architects changed and what will this change mean to measures of exceptionality in architectural design?  …

A new working paper by the Chair of Urban Development looks at potential medium to long-term consequences of higher shares of working from home on the locational decisions of households in the metropolitan region of Munich. The working paper (supplemented version of 24.09.2021) can be downloaded for free. An article in Süddeutsche Zeitung on 02.06.2021 and an article…

As part of our ongoing DFG-funded research project on the effects of High-Speed Rail (HSR) lines on urban development and current dissertations at the chair, we have constructed a database of interregional rail connections in Germany and neighbouring countries during the timespan of 1990 to 2030, assuming that all planned rail projects of the current German Federal…

The Cluster Real Estate at the Technical University of Munich is a formation between researchers of the Departments of Architecture and of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, which both will be united in the "TUM School of Engineering and Design" in future. The Cluster Real Estate is grounded in TUM’s tradition of creating a discourse between scholars and…