Aktuelles |

Documentary “Temples of Culture- New iconic buildings and their impact on their communities.”

Last week we shared with the documentary filmmakers our perspectives on the “Bilbao effect”, evidence of social, economic and media effects of star…

Aktuelles |

Now in print! Publication in MIT Projections Volume 16

Measuring the City: The Power of Urban Metrics. Does the online circulation of photographs influence the image of a city? The iconicity of an…

Aktuelles |

New Publication: “Google for President”: Power and the Mediated Construction of an Unbuilt Big Tech Headquarters Project

As part of a Special Issue in the Architectural Theory Review on the Architecture of Global Governance, this article focuses on Google, a Big Tech…

Forschung |

2023-2024: Biodiversity Net Gain as a Developer Obligation

Topic: Without policy intervention, property developments often lead to a loss or reduction of biodiversity by reducing the amount of available…

Aktuelles |

New Publication: Linking knowledge-intensive firm locations with the urban structure of the city of Munich

Which locations do knowledge-intensive firms choose in Munich and how do these decisions change over a ten-year period? These questions are addressed…

Aktuelles |

New Publication: Disseminating regional design: potentials and barriers in existing spatial planning and governance

The article, in a Special Issue on Regional Design of Planning Practice & Research, explores why despite growing academic recognition of the…

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will PROXIMITY sill MATTER? between space, function + process

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Interdisciplinary project "Mühldorf 2053" - Documentation of student works now available

Interdisciplinary project "Mühldorf 2053" - Documentation of student works now available

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New Publication: Where do knowledge-intensive firms locate in Germany?—An explanatory framework using exponential random graph modeling

Abstract This paper analyzes how positional and relational data in 186 regions of Germany influence the location choices of knowledge-based firms.…

Aktuelles |

Urban Futures Thinking: Documentation of Design Sprint as part of TUM Project Week

As part of the TUM Project Week, the Chair of Urban Development and the TUM Venture Lab Built Environment organized the seminar "Urban Futures…