- 32Die Reaktivierung von Schienenstrecken als Strategie der integrierten Raumentwicklung – Chancen nutzen und Hemmnisse überwinden. ARL – Akademie für Raumentwicklung in der Leibniz-Gemeinschaft, 2024, more…
- 31Introducing a Novel Framework for the Analysis and Assessment of Transport Projects in City Regions. Sustainability 16 (6), 2024, 2349 more…
- 30Potenziale der Innenentwicklung in München. Technische Universität München, 2024, more…
- 29Visualising Transformations of Geographical Time–Space by Transport Systems. The Case of Germany, 1990–2020. KN - Journal of Cartography and Geographic Information (online first), 2023 more…
- 28Innovative Land Policies in Europe. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 81 (6), 2023 more…
- 27Das Netzwerk zentraler Orte in der Metropolenregion München. In: Zentralitäten 4.0 - Raumpolitiken und neue Mobilität auf dem Lande. Jovis, 2023, 186-199 more…
- 26High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? An Analysis of Land Use Change around Stations. European Planning Studies 30 (2), 2022, 227-250 more…
- 25Working From Home and Covid-19: Where Could Residents Move to? Urban Planning 7(3), 2022 more…
- 24Mehr Arbeiten von zu Hause nach Corona. RaumPlanung 6/2021 (214), 2021, 23-28 more…
- 23Rail Accessibility in Germany: Changing Regional Disparities between 1990 and 2020. Raumforschung und Raumordnung 79 (2), 2021, 95-115 more…
- 22Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. TUM University Press, 2021 more…
- 21Which Regions Benefit from New Rail Accessibility? Germany in 2030. disP - The Planning Review 56 (3), 2020, 59-76 more…
- 20Euro-Star-Architecture: Comparing High-Speed Rail Stations in Europe. In: About Star Architecture: Reflecting on Cities in Europe. Springer International Publishing, 2020, 227-244 more…
- 19Regional Urbanisation through Accessibility? — The “Zweite Stammstrecke” Express Rail Project in Munich. Urban Science 4 (1), 2020, 1-24 more…
- 18Integrating urban planning in air traffic procedure planning using modern satellite navigation specifications. Urban Development Issues 68 (2), 2020, 53-62 more…
- 17Which Regions Benefit from Rail Accessibility? Germany 1990-2030. Chair of Urban Development, Technical University of Munich, 2020, more…
- 16The Transformative Capacity of Regional Design. In: Shaping Regional Futures: Designing and Visioning in Governance Rescaling. Springer, 2020, 43-58 more…
- 15Conference Locations and Sustainability Aspirations: Towards an Integrative Framework? DisP - The Planning Review 55 (1), 2019, 34-51 more…
- 14Public real estate development projects and urban transformation: the case of flagship projects. In: Companion to Real Estate Development. Routledge, 2018, 43-55 more…
- 13Sustainable urban development and land value taxation: The case of Estonia. Land Use Policy 77, 2018, 790-800 more…
- 12Using Boundary Objects to Make Students Brokers Across Disciplines. A Dialogue Between Students and Their Lecturers on Bertolini's Node-Place-Model and Interdisciplinarity. Transactions of AESOP 2 (1), 2018, 81-90 more…
- 11Land taxation in Estonia: An efficient instrument of land policy for land scarcity, equity, and ecology. In: Instruments of Land Policy. Dealing with Scarcity of Land.. Routledge, 2018, 78-88 more…
- 10RES - Räumliche Entwicklungsstrategie Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck. Schlussbericht zum Prozess der Struktur- und Potenzialanalyse 2017. 2017, more…
- 9Perspektiven im öffentlichen Personennahverkehr im Landkreis München. Schlussbericht. Landkreis München, 2017, more…
- 8Munich - The struggle to combine competitivness and social inclusion. In: Unequal Cities. The challenge of post-industrial transition in times of austerity. Routledge, 2017, 209-226 more…
- 7Potentials of Entrepreneurial Thinking for Planning. disP - The Planning Review 53 (3), 2017, 94-100 more…
- 6Teilstrategie Wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Konzept einer strategischen Entwicklung von Wirtschaftsflächen im Landkreis Fürstenfeldbruck. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung der Technischen Universität München., 2017, more…
- 5Landshut: What next? Projekt im Masterstudiengang Urbanistik – Landschaft und Stadt WS2015/16. Technische Universität München, 2016 more…
- 4WAM Wohnen Arbeiten Mobilität. Veränderungsdynamiken und Entwicklungsoptionen für die Metropolregion München. Lehrstuhl für Raumentwicklung und Fachgebiet für Siedlungsstruktur und Verkehrsplanung der Technischen Universität München, 2016, more…
- 3Future perspectives for the Munich Metropolitan Region – an integrated mobility approach. Transportation Research Procedia 19, 2016, 94-108 more…
- 2Quartiersentwicklung selbstgemacht? RaumPlanung (3/4), 2014, 107-113 more…
- 1Land Value Tax and Urban Development in Estonia. (other entry) more…
Dr.-Ing. Fabian Wenner
Akademischer Rat / Research and Teaching Associate
Postal address
Arcisstr. 21
80333 München
- Phone: +49 (89) 289 - 22142
- Office hours: nach Vereinbarung / by appointment
- Room: 0503.02.360
- f.wenner@tum.de
Since 2021 Postdoctoral research and teaching associate at the Chair for Urban Development at TU München
2021 PhD dissertation on Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations. Grade "summa cum laude", awarded with the dissertation prize of Bund der Freunde der TUM e.V.
Since 2014 Research and teaching assistant at the Chair for Urban Development at TU München
2013-2014 Master in Regional and Urban Planning at the London School of Economics and Political Science, SUTOR scholarship. Dissertation on Land Value Tax and Urban Development in Estonia
2012-2013 Planner at Albert Speer & Partner, Frankfurt
2009-2012 Student assistant at the Chair of Land Management, Land Policy and Municipal Geoinformation and tutor at the Centre for Student and Project Affairs, TU Dortmund University
2008-2012 Bachelor in Urban Planning at TU Dortmund University, Germany and University College London, scholarship of the German National Academic Foundation
Head of the research group "Land Use, Infrastructure, Spatial Transformation" at the chair of Urban Development
- 2023-2025: Biodiversity Net Gain as a Developer Obligation
- 2022-2024: BeneVit - Innovative Assessment Methods for Sustainable Transport Infrastructure Investments
- 2020-2023: DFG-funded project: Brain Train? High-Speed Rail stations as focal points of the knowledge economy
- 2022: Exploring the airport-city: airports’ diversification strategies, knowledge economy and the regeneration of business sites in a metropolitan context
- 2020: Mapping Urban Transportation Innovation Ecosystems
- 2017-2021: DFG-funded project: Knowledge-intensive firms, connectivity and spatial restructuring: dynamics and differences in Germany and Switzerland
- 2015-2017: Structure and potentials analysis for Fürstenfeldbruck district and municipalities
- 2016: Perspectives for public transport in the Munich district
- 2016: Report for member municipalities of the "NordAllianz": Assessment of the role in the regional plans' system of central places
- 2014-2016: WAM – Residence, Work, Mobility. Dynamics of change and development options for the Metropolitan Region of Munich
2015-2021: Dissertation project Interrelations between Transport Infrastructure and Urban Development. The Case of High-Speed Rail Stations.
Participation in the Architecture Research Incubator at the TUM Department of Architecture
Academic organisations
- Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association (ARL): Working Groups "Land Policy" and "Reactivation of Railway Lines", Regional Group Bavaria
- German Road and Transportation Research Association (FGSV): Working Group "Accessibility Planning"
- International Academic Association on Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR)
- AESOP Young Academics
Academic self-governance
- Representative of the scientific staff at the Department Council Architecture of the School of Engineering and Design
- Member of the examination board for the study programme Urbanism
Reviewer for professional journals and research funding organisations, e.g..:
- disP – The Planning Review (Member of the Editorial Board)
- Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space
- Journal of Transport Geography
- Journal of Urban Mobility
Honorary appointments
- Member of selection committee of the German Academic Scholarship Foundation
- 38Biodiversity net gain as a developer obligation. Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference, 2024 more…
- 37Land policy in Germany – The struggle between private property rights and public interest. Planning, Law, and Property Rights (PLPR) Conference, 2024 more…
- 36Regional rail stations as catalysts and barriers for 15-minute neighbourhoods. Transit-oriented or transit-adjacent development in the Munich Metropolitan Region? mobil.TUM Conference, 2024 more…
- 35Potenziale nachhaltiger Wohnraumversorgung durch integrierte Siedlungs- und Verkehrsplanung. Bundeskongress "Tag der Regionen", 2024 more…
- 34Urban Mobility & Land Policy: Links to Urban Health. Invited Talk, 2024 more…
- 33Land Value Taxation - Land Policy Tool for Sustainable Urban Development? The Housing Agency, Land Policy Series, 2023 more…
- 32High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? 11th World Congress of High-Speed Rail, 2023 more…
- 31Aktuelle raumstrukturelle Chancen und Herausforderungen im Raum Freising und der Metropolregion München. IBA Walk, 2023 more…
- 30The accessibility paradigm in planning: Implementation, Indicators, and Improvements. RSA Conference, 2023 more…
- 29Missed connections: Opportunities for integrated urban and transport planning with comprehensive clock-face schedules. AESOP Annual Conference, 2023 more…
- 28Visualising Transformations of Geographical Time-Space by Transport Infrastructure Systems. The case of Germany, 1990-2030. European Colloquium on Theoretical and Quantitative Geography, 2021 more…
- 27High Speed Rail as Urban Generator? An Analysis of Land Use Change around European Stations. RSA Regions in Recovery Conference, 2021 more…
- 26Wie kann man in der Flughafenregion eine nachhaltige, effiziente und ökologische Mobilität ermöglichen? Politik trifft Wissenschaft, 2021 more…
- 2540 Years of Rail Accessibility Change in Germany. Dortmunder Konferenz, 2020 more…
- 2440 Years of Rail Accessibility Change in German Regions. NECTAR Cluster 6 Accessibility Workshop, 2019 more…
- 23Accessibility Effects of the Second S-Bahn Trunk Line (Munich). Mobility@TUM, 2019 more…
- 22Wissensökonomie, Konnektivität und räumliche Restrukturierung: Dynamiken und Unterschiede in Deutschland und der Schweiz. Arbeitskreissitzung der DFG Fachgruppe „410-02 Städtebau/Stadtentwicklung, Raumplanung, Verkehrs- und Infrastrukturplanung, Landschaftsplanung“, 2019 more…
- 21High-Speed Rail and Interlocking Firm Networks of the Knowledge Economy in Germany. Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), 2019 more…
- 20High-Speed Rail and Interlocking Firm Networks of the Knowledge Economy in Germany. Regional Studies Association (RSA) Annual Conference, 2019 more…
- 19Brain Train or Brain Drain? The role of High-Speed Rail accessibility for knowledge-intensive firms and regional development. mobil.TUM 2018, 2018 more…
- 18Brain Train or Brain Drain? Effects of high speed rail on the spatial structure in the age of the knowledge economy. Dortmunder Konferenz, 2018 more…
- 17Effects of high speed rail-induced accessibility changes on urban development in Europe. AESOP Annual Congress, 2018 more…
- 16Brain Train or Brain Drain? The role of High-Speed Rail accessibility for knowledge-intensive firms and regional development. European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Conference, 2018 more…
- 15Application of a new method to identify knowledge-intensive firm clusters in spatial strategy consulting. European Regional Science Association (ERSA) Conference, 2018 more…
- 14Effects of high speed rail-induced accessibility changes on urban development in Germany. Pegasus Nachwuchsnetzwerk für Mobilitäts- und Verkehrsforschung, Jahrestagung, 2018 more…
- 13The use of space as decision-making process. The role of accessibility for locational choices of knowledge-intensive firms in the Munich Metropolitan Region. 11th AESOP Young Academics Conference 2017 - Planning and Entrepreneurship, 2017 more…
- 12Scenarios for Polycentric Development in the Munich Metropolitan Region. 11th AESOP Young Academics Conference 2017 - Planning and Entrepreneurship, 2017 more…
- 11Brain Train or Brain Drain? Effects of high speed rail on the spatial structure in the age of the knowledge economy. AESOP Annual Congress 2017, 2017 more…
- 10Brain Train or Brain Drain? Effects of high speed rail on the spatial structure in the age of the knowledge economy. Mobilitätstag Mobility@TUM, 2017 more…
- 9Future housing, working, and mobility perspectives for the Munich Metropolitan Region – an integrated approach. mobil.TUM Conference "Transforming Urban Mobility, 2016 more…
- 8Teaching Capacity Building for Regional Governance. AESOP Young Academics Conference, 2016 more…
- 7The use of space as decision-making process. Valuation of mobility, residential, and workplace choices in the Munich Metropolitan Region. IV World Planning Schools Congress, 2016 more…
- 6The use of space as decision-making process. Valuation of mobility, residential, and workplace choices in the Munich Metropolitan Region. Association of American Geographers Annual Meeting, 2016 more…
- 5The Land Value Tax in Estonia: Equitable land policy through taxation. LandAC conference, 2015 more…
- 4Land value tax and urban development in Estonia. AESOP Annual Congress 2015, 2015 more…
- 3Spatial integration and administrative complexity: Housing, employment, and mobility in the case of the Munich Metropolitan Region. AESOP Annual Congress 2015, 2015 more…
- 2The Land Value Tax (LVT) as arbiter between market mechanisms and social liability. XI. Urban and Landscape Days, 2014 more…
- 1Herkunftsorte und Hochschulwahl internationaler Studierender in Deutschland. Dortmunder Konferenz für Raum- und Planungsforschung, 2012 more…
- 4Stadtplanung: Neue Wohnungen für 100 000 Menschen. Süddeutsche Zeitung (17.02.2024), 2024, 1 more…
- 3Bundesverkehrswegeplan: Neuer Streit um Verkehrsplanung droht. Tagesspiegel, 2023 more…
- 2Besser leben auf dem Land. Süddeutsche Zeitung (02.06.2021), 2021, 40 more…
- 1Familiengerechte Stadtplanung und Verfassungsgerichtsurteil zur Grundsteuer. Bayerischer Rundfunk 2, 2018, more…
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- ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2356-8120
- ResearchGate
- Web of Science: ResearcherID AAE-7087-2021