Lecture Series 1: Urban and Landscape Transformation

urban and landscape transformation of Munich:
reflecting theoretical positions on case studies

The topic area Urban and Landscape Transformation investigates complex and networked urban landscapes and systems in times of global transformation. Urban hinterlands are reservoirs or vital resources that have increasingly become exposed to global ecological, economic and social challenges and have become the focus of environmental and sustainability debates. Whilst global transformation processes are difficult to influence let alone control with the classic tools of the designer, architecture, urban design and landscape architecture do offer a repertoire of possibilities to integrate complex spatial, aesthetic, social, cultural, ecological and sustainable qualities into contemporary living environments. The lecture shows examples of projects and approaches from TUM, on how to conceptualise and strengthen such urban and landscape transformation areas.

Learning Targets
After attending the lecture and completing two elaborations (graphic compositions), the students are able to recognize and understand current patterns of transformation of contemporary urban and suburban landscapes including connections between ecological, socio-cultural and economic factors. Based on the presentation of examples, students can reflect and understand basic ideas and approaches for strengthening these and transforming them into sustainable urban landscapes.

The students are to develop compositions for two of the scheduled sessions (short drafts, graphic analysis, reflective presentation). This will require students to investigate and discuss the presented topics within the particular context of the city of Munich. More information on Moodle. 

Teaching Method
Walking tours to places of case-studies with on-site lectures and discussions / or normal lecture in the Vorhoelzer Forum

winter semester 2024/25

Mondays, 11.30 Uhr -13.00 Uhr








