
Advanced Topics in BIM

In this course, we discuss current research topics in Building Information Modeling. We do this on the basis of weekly presentations by professionals and joint discussions of current scientific publications. After completing the module, you will be able to:

  • understand and analyze current scientific publications on BIM
  • conduct scientific research in the area of BIM

To pass the module, the students have to give a presentation of 30 minutes. They can choose a topic from a pre-defined list or suggest their own topic. The students must carry out intense research, study the respective publications in the domain and present their results in a comprehensive oral presentation, followed by a joint discussion. In addition, a 20-page report has to be submitted by the end of the semester.

The presentations can be given either in English or German, depending on the participant’s choice. The course instructions and communication are in English. The lectures given by industry professionals will mostly be in German. Therefore, only students capable of following a lecture in German should select this course.

The first lecture will take place on 21.04.2023. Attendance is mandatory.

This course is conducted in collaboration with the Chair of Computational Modeling and Simulation. For more information: