Final Presentation: Architectural Design Thinking - Scaling Impact as Architect

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Invitation to the final presentations of the course 'Architectural Design Thinking - Scaling Impact as Architect' at the Chair of Architectural Informatics.

Architects Quit Architecture >> Join the final presentations of the architectural design thinking class. And see how students from architecture, civil engineering, information technology in the built environment are activating their skills to scale their impact. In fields beyond architecture, in fields beyond building design, in fields beyond repetitive work. 

They care, take responsibility and re-define the boundaries of the profession. They quit architecture to infuse other fields with a desginerly, an architectural way of thinking - and by doing this augment the impact of: architecture.

Meltem Sahin / Jannes Scherzer / Vinzenz Trimborn / Ramona Braemer / Yana Kholodova / Mohammad Alrabab'h / Emil Henking / Taiane NepomucenoMoriz Trenkner / Stephany Bonilla Melo / Anna Zieziula / Atheer Elewy

As guest crit we are honored to welcome Christopher Weber-Fürst in our TUM Venture Labs Built Environment Space.

Thursday, 22.02.2024
13:15 - 16:30

Venture Lab Built Environment Space
Room 2350
Technical University of Munich
Arcisstraße 21
80333 München