
Interim peanuts or real laboratory for sustainable urban redevelopment?

Discourse at the Immatrikualtionshalle der TUM, Arcisstraße 21, Munich
13. July 2023


The discourse evening marks the start of the LAO munichLAB STREET-SPACE-EXPERIMENTS 2023. Since 2018, the LAO munichLAB has been documenting and researching temporary interventions in Munich's urban space. In summer 2023, the focus will be on street-space experiments as real laboratories for sustainable urban redevelopment. As a start, researchers from TUM will take a stand on the question of what street-space-experiments are:


Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Felix Lüdicke, M.A. Gero Engeser – Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space, M.Sc. Simone Aumann – Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning, M.Sc. Marco Kellhammer – Associate Professorship of Urban Design, M.A. Christoph Fleckenstein – Assistant Professorship of Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture, Guest: Anna Hanusch (Architect and City Councillor DIE GRÜNEN)


The discourse was the opening of the exhibition STREETS>>BOULEVARDS which shows student designs for a redesign of Arcisstraße in the context of traffic change and climate adaptation. In addition to the ideas of a permanent, long-term conversion, the task was to design temporary interventions as "street-space experiments" that anticipate the design idea and are spatially and atmospherically convincing.

For the exhibition as part of the Kunstareal-Fest, the interior of the matriculation hall becomes the exterior of the Arcisstraße. The street layout transferred to the hall makes clear the expansiveness of the areas of our urban spaces used for mobility and turns the Enrolment Hall into the Wandelhalle in which street posters show the designs.


Images of the Event