A Bee Field at the Ludwigstraße as Thought-Provoking Impulse

Eshibition at the Veranstaltungssaal des Bayerisches Staatsministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Forsten, Ludwigstraße 2, 80539 München

05. December - 12. December 2018


The exhibition "URBEEN" deals with the open spaces in the surroundings of the Bavarian State Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Forestry at the Ludwigstraße. Over three semesters, the urban open space between Ludwigstraße, Hofgarten and English Garden was designed by the Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space with students: In the summer semester of 2016, the chair's design project "Finanzgarten 2.0" focused for the first time on the historical green space in the shadow of the Hofgarten and Englischer Garten. In the winter semester 2017/18, the project "Garden for a Bees' Queen"—requested by the State Ministry—focused on its front garden at Galeriestraße. Concepts were sought that create a "showroom" for the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Forestry in the city. In the summer semester 2018, URBEEN, one of the design ideas, was implemented as a temporary installation and thus serves the chair as a case study in the research field "Intervention and Participation".

The temporary installation URBEEN consists of a field of linear plant boxes and a deadwood sculpture as an oversized wild bee hotel. The dimensions and colour effect are reminiscent of agricultural field structures. In early summer, the bee field blossomed with phacelia, cornflower, larkspur, bellflower, sage and blue scabios. In the course of the summer, yellow blossoming Jerusalem artichoke took over the colouring. Both plantations served as food for the bee colonies settling in the front garden. Throughout the year, students accompanied the bee field in several activities.

The research field studio1zu1 deals with the question of whether and to what extent temporary installations can be used as participation formats in architectural and social processes of change in urban public space.


URBEEN – Ein Bienenfeld an der Ludwigstraße—the book for the exhibition was published in German language at Fakultät für Architektur, TUM, 2018 (5 €). ISBN 978-3-941370-92-0

If you are interested in buying it, please write us an E-mail or visit us directly at our Chair in Freising. Have a look inside/OpenAccess via mediaTUM: https://mediatum.ub.tum.de/?id=1463480
