Corso Leopold

Leopoldstrasse is closed to motorized traffic twice a year for one weekend. The freed-up space will be reused and used for various booths with a focus on music, culture, etc.


Type of intervention: Action
Project character: event
Topic: sustainable mobility / active city / social city
Project Objective: Occupation / Activation

Project location: Munich; Leopoldstraße (Odeonsplatz to Siegestor)
Project dimension: 0.2 km2

Project period: 25-26.05.2019; 07-08.09.2019
Project duration: 2 days each
Project frequency: recurring since 1996
Project timeliness: completed / in planning

Type of open space: street
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: not restricted

Clients: none
Creators: Corso Leopold e.V. // Activist
Project partners: more than 20 partners from Lidl to Stadtwerke München (Munich public utility company)
Further actors: Artists* / Gastronomer*s

(Commissioned) budget: none
Funding: unknown
Own funds: donations / gastronomy / volunteer work

Planning context ★★★☆☆
Thematic planning context:
No structural change is intended on Leopold Street. The planning reference deals with the basic question " How can space be appropriated or used flexibly?" Since Leopoldstraße is a widely known city avenue and is occupied by fans during major events (e.g. World Cup finals), the question can be spatially translated particularly well there.

Spatial planning reference:
The intention is a special street festival. A variety of political topics are represented and discussed at the booths. The topic of mobility change and a spatial planning reference tend to fade into the background.

Research sources
Author unknown, (06.06.2019)

Author profile
Robert Rothe, Gero Engeser

Interventions - Container Collective: Neville and Robinson; Das ist keine Pommesbude: T. Mühlbach + A. Höhne/halle6; Alte Utting: Alte Utting GmbH; Giesinger Grünspitz: Green City e.V. + TUM DesignBuild, photo: J. Nefzger; Piazza Zenetti: raumzeug

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
