Gans am Wasser

The "Gans am Wasser" is a gastronomy business in the Westpark. It occupies a fallow gravel site on the shore of the Mollsee through a construction trailer café, a tent and outdoor facilities. In addition to the café operation, there are weekly events such as readings, concerts, yoga, crafts, markets, etc.


Type of intervention: Installation
Project character: event
Theme: social city / active city
Project objective: Playing / stabilization / activation

Project location: Munich; Mollsee in the Westpark, Siegenburger Str. 41
Project dimension: approx. 1,320 m²

Project period: since 13.08.2016
Project duration: at least 3 years
Project frequency: permanent
Project timeliness: ongoing

Type of open space: fallow land in public park
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: partially restricted access: no fencing, but café opening hours, slight compulsion to consume

Client*s: City of Munich // property owner
Creators: Gans Kreativ GmbH: Julian Hahn + Florian Jund // organizer
Project partners: unknown
Other actors: Artists / members of Wannda e.V.

(Commissioned) budget: none
Subsidies: unknown
Own funds: gastronomy / entrance fees / material donations

Planning context ★★★☆☆
Thematic planning context:
Revitalization of public green spaces.

Spatial planning reference:
By occupying the space of a former café, the area will be revitalized to encourage development in the area. Catering and events in the construction trailer café will create a social meeting place.

Research sources
Kaufmann, L., 26.08.2016. The little brother of the Bahnwärter Thiel., 06.06.19
Hahn, J. and Jund, F. and Behringer, P., 2016. Café Gans am Wasser., 06.06.19

Authors' profile
Caren Huckle, Amelie Kessler, Carina Brandl

Gans Kreativ GmbH, 2019

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
