Halt 58

Halt 58 is a former bus stop at Kolumbusplatz that is partially covered by a railroad bridge. Graffiti on the bridge pillars and vertically placed installations such as air filter moss, planter boxes and sculptures aesthetically enhance the open space and develop a new character.


Type of intervention: Installation / Action
Project character: appropriation / art
Theme: social city / sustainable city / green city / active city
Project goal: activation / play

Project location: Munich; Untergiesing; Kolumbus Platz
Project dimension: 250m2

Project period: since 2018
Project duration: several years
Project frequency: permanent / recurring events
Project timeliness: ongoing

Open space type: traffic space - former bus stop, partially covered by railroad bridge
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: not restricted

Clients: none
Creators: Citizens' initiative Mehr Platz zum Leben // Activist
Project partners: Heiko Krause, WON ABC, Outer Circle, Jules Zeser, HM Kieser, Nikolaus Keller // artist
Other actors: Neighboring residents // Entrepreneur, citizen

(Commissioned) budget: none
Funding: unknown
Own funds: donations / artists' own funds

Planning context ★★☆☆☆
Thematic planning context:
The open space lost its function when the stop under the railroad bridge was closed. Social control was lacking from now on, which had negative effects on the rest of the open space of Columbus Square as well. The artworks turn the place into a public open space or bridge gallery. This attracts people and lets the population reconnect with the place. In this sense, the space is brought back to the "social atlas" of the people and, due to the more frequented use, the appropriation by artists and population, experiences the social control that was missing until then.

Spatial planning context:
The spatial atmosphere was enhanced by the artistic interventions and the planter boxes with perennials and air filter moss. The artistic interventions have only a limited spatial character, as they mainly shape the vertical walls. The project does not fundamentally redefine the basic spatial constellation of the railroad bridge and the context, which is why there is a relatively low spatial planning reference here.

Research sources
Kieweg, M., 2018. stop 58 columbusplace. mehrplatzzumleben.wordpress.com/aktionen-im-viertel-2/halt-58-kolumbusplatz/, 06/14/19.

Author profile
Christopher King, Fabian Konopka

Photographer profile
Fabian Konopka, TUM, 2019

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
