
For one day, the streets on the west bank of the Isar River will be closed to motorized traffic in order to promote the transformation of the same street space into a river promenade for pedestrians and cyclists.


Type of intervention: Action
Project character: appropriation / event / art
Theme: sustainable mobility / city on the river / green city
Project goal: transformation

Project location: Munich; western bank of the Isar river north of the Brudermühl bridge on a length of 4.5 km - Schäftlarnstraße, Isartalstraße, Wittelsbacherstraße, Erhardtstraße, Steinsdorfstraße, Widenmayerstraße
Project dimension: 0.9 km2

Project period: probably 21.07.2019
Project duration: 1 day
Project frequency: one-time for the time being
Project timeliness: in planning

Open space type: street space
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: not restricted

Clients: none 
Creators: Isarlust e.V.// activist
Project partners: e.g. Münchner Forum e.V., Pastor Rainer Schießler, Pastor Helmut Gottschling, FUSS e.V., Bund Naturschutz KG München e.V., Green City e.V., ADFC München // Interest group / artist / citizen / activist
Further actors: unknown

(Commissioned) budget: none
Funding: District Committee
Own funds: crowdfunding, donations, gastronomy

Planning context ★★★★★
Thematic planning context:
By temporarily closing the streets on the west bank of the Isar for motorized traffic, the qualities of the Isar and urban life on the river are to be thematized and everyday (recreational) space with attractive areas for pedestrians and cyclists is to be created.

Spatial planning reference:
A star walk in the direction of the Isar should make the planning goal of a western Isar promenade without motorized traffic possible for one day at a concrete location in the urban space. A citizens' workshop is to be held afterwards to anchor the topic further in the population and in the neighborhood and to drive the transformation forward.

Research sources
Fabian Huber, Süddeutsche Zeitung, June 23, 2019. dispute over Isar boulevard. URL: (06/24/2019)
Süddeutsche Zeitung, May 24, 2019. too commercial - Isarlust association gets no money for Isarboulevard. URL: (06/24/2019)
Isarlust e.V.. , , (Jun. 24, 2019)
Author unknown, TZ. Feb. 22, 2019. the Isar Boulevard is coming - at least a little bit. URL: (06.06.2019)

Rafael Stutz, Beatrice Leitner

Interventions - Container Collective: Neville and Robinson; This is not a chip shop: T. Mühlbach + A. Höhne/halle6; Alte Utting: Alte Utting GmbH; Giesinger Grünspitz: Green City e.V. + TUM DesignBuild, photo: J. Nefzger; Piazza Zenetti: raumzeug

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
