Kunstforum Hans-Mielich-Platz

The Kunstforum Hans-Mielich-Platz is a simple concrete foundation as an art platform that occupies the public space of the city square in Untergiesing with changing works of art.


Type of intervention: Installation
Project character: planning process / art / event / appropriation
Theme: social city / active city
Project goal: activation / transformation (until 2011) / incubator / occupation

Project location: Munich; Untergiesing; Hans-Mielich-Platz
Project dimension: Hans-Mielich-Platz 10.000m2; art platform 1m2

Project period: platform since 2007; unveiling of the sculpture "Heimat und Respekt" (home and respect) by the students of the middle school on Cincinnatistraße on July 22, 2019
Project duration: 12 years
Project frequency: permanent with changing installations
Project timeline: ongoing

Open space type: neighborhood plaza
ownership: public land
Accessibility: not restricted

Clients: none
Creators: Citizens' initiative Mehr Platz zum Leben // Activist
Project partners: Various artists and schools, Die Gute Tat e.V., Katholischer Männerfürsorgeverein e.V. // Artist, educational institution, social service provider
Other actors: Local residents / entrepreneurs, citizens

(Commissioned) budget: none
Subsidies: unknown
Own funds: donations / product sales / artists' own funds

Planning context ★★★★☆
Thematic planning context:
"More space to live" can be seen as a reclaiming of public space by residents* and responsible artists*. The continuation of the organization of the art forum even after the reconstruction of Hans-Mielich-Platz becomes a permanent appropriation and participation measure for citizens*. As an example of participatory square design and citizen participation, the Kunstforum has a thematic planning context even eight years after the reconstruction.

Spatial planning reference:
The spatial planning reference can be identified especially between 2007 and 2011. A driving factor for the founding of the initiative "More Space for Living" in 1997 was the spatial condition of Hans-Mielich-Platz, which was characterized by motorized traffic. The actions of the citizens' initiative to revitalize the space through events such as weekly markets until the city decided on a fundamental transformation was expanded in 2007 by the Art Forum. This led to social revitalization, broad public interest and increased planning pressure, after which the square was actually transformed in 2011.

Research sources
Kieweg, M., 2017. 20 years of citizens' initiative, 10 years of art forum. mehrplatzzumleben.wordpress.com/die-burgerinitiative/20-jahre-buergerinitiative-10-jahre-kunstforum/, 14 June 2019.

Christopher King, Fabian Konopka

Fabian Konopka, TUM, 2019

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
