Make Nußbaumpark gschmeidig again!

The Nußbaumpark is a two-hectare park with old trees. On a lawn inside the park you will find a beer garden with a daily changing program, three food kiosks, as well as raised beds, which are maintained by bed patrons from the neighborhood.


Type of intervention: Installation / Action
Project character: planning process / event
Theme: active city / social city / green city
Project objective: Activation / upgrading / playfulness

Project location: Munich; Klinikviertel; Nußbaumpark on Nußbaumstraße
Project dimension: 20.000m²

Project period: from July 2019 to September 2019
Project duration: 3 months
Project frequency: recurring (first time in 2018)
Project timing: ongoing

Open space type: park
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: without access restrictions

Client*s: City of Munich (tender)
Creators: Urban League GmbH, Green City e.V. // Organizer / Activist
Project partners: Building Department of the City of Munich, Green City e.V., Condrobs, Church of St. Matthew // Administration / activist / social service provider / church community
Other actors: Residents*, artists*, restaurateurs*.

(Contract) Budget: unknown
Funding: District Committee, Social Department of the City of Munich
Own funds: unknown

Planning context ★★★★★
Thematic planning context:
Revitalization of public green spaces.

Spatial planning reference:
Despite its central location, Nußbaumpark has fallen into disuse and developed into an inhospitable place for local residents due to the high presence of social fringe groups. The goal of "Make Nußbaumpark gschmeidig again!" is the careful revitalization of Nußbaumpark.

Research sources
Urban League GmbH. URL: 05.06.2019 // Dreistern Verlag GmbH 2018: The project "Make Nußbaumpark gschmeidig again", revival of an old park. URL: 05.06.2019 // Listle, Saskia 2018: Make Nußbaumpark gschmeidig again. URL: 05.06.2019 // Lotze Birgit. 2018. how the "Urban League" wants to make Nußbaumpark attractive. URL: 10.06.2019
Green City e.V.. Nußbaumgarten. URL: (06/20/2019)

Author*s profile
Christopher King

Photographer profile
Christopher King, TUM, 2019

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
