Songs Of The Siren. Part I - House of Good Memories

An empty single-family house in Freimann becomes a walk-in, interactive architectural sculpture in which alienated acoustic perceptions of abandoned places can be explored.


Type of intervention: Installation
Project character: art / temporary use
Theme: active city / living
Project goal: activation / occupation

Project location: Munich; Schwabing-Freimann; Zehetmeierstraße 2
Project dimension: approx. 260 m2

Project period: 09.05. - 20.05.2019
Project duration: 12 days
project frequency: one-time
Project timings: completed

Open space type: vacant building
ownership: private land
Accessibility: limited access: temporal

Client*s: Department of Culture, City of Munich // Administration
Creators: Emanuel Mooner // artist
Project partners: unknown
Other actors: unknown

(Commissioned) budget: Department of Culture, City of Munich // Administration
Funding: unknown
Own funds: unknown

Planning context ★☆☆☆☆
Thematic planning context:
The installations investigate whether and how people leave personal emotions on vacant buildings and spaces that have "fallen into a slumber" and to what extent these become perceptible and transferable.

Spatial planning reference:
In the "Songs of the Siren" installations, Mooner works with the atmosphere of the respective, vacant buildings and with the found materials to store the emotionality of the places and to develop an (inter-) action space for the visitors* with the past. The house in Zehetmeierstraße will be demolished after the installation. A video installation shows children dealing with the legacy of the building.

Research sources
Günther, Emanuel, 2019. PART I - HOUSE OF GOOD MEMORIES. (, JUNE 13, 2019)
Hörmann, Andi, 2019. art project "Songs of the Siren" - emotions in vacancy. Deutschlandradio, May 09, 2019. (
Kulturreferat, Abt. 1 - Kunst im öffentlichen Raum, 2018. competition Kunst im öffentlichen Raum for project applications up to EUR 15,000 gross for 2019: "Frequenzen". (öffentlichen%20raum%20-%20frequenzen.pdf, 13.06.2019)
City of Munich, 2019. frequencies - acoustic dimensions of the city. (, 13.06.2019)

Author*s profile
Melissa Apoloya, Victoria Wakulicz

Photographer profile
Interventions - Container Collective: Neville and Robinson; This is not a chip shop: T. Mühlbach + A. Höhne/halle6; Alte Utting: Alte Utting GmbH; Giesinger Grünspitz: Green City e.V. + TUM DesignBuild, photo: J. Nefzger; Piazza Zenetti: raumzeug

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
