Walk on a deeper ceiling

The project sets the spatial characteristics of the underground air raid shelters at Königsplatz to music and transforms them into a sound composition that is performed during "Live Soundwalks".


Intervention type: Installation / Action
Project character: art / event
Topic: subterranean city
Project goal: Activation / Play / Discourse

Project location: Munich; Maxvorstadt; Königsplatz
Project dimension: unknown

Project period: September - October 2019
Project duration: 2 months
Project timing: one-time
Project timeline: in planning

Open space type: square
Ownership: public land
Accessibility: unknown

Client*s: Department of Culture, City of Munich // Administration
Project makers: Agnes Jänsch and Cornelia Böhm // artists
Project partners: Henrik Ajax // composer
Further actors: unknown

(Commissioned) budget: Department of Culture, City of Munich // Administration
Funding: unknown
Own funds: unknown

Planning context ★☆☆☆☆
Thematic planning context:
Munich's underground is crisscrossed with subterranean spaces, including air-raid shelters from World War 2.

Spatial planning reference:
The live soundwalks make the hidden spaces historic bunkers at Königsplatz "visible" and experienceable for the public through sounds and acoustic effects. There is no active planning reference.

Research sources
City of Munich, 2019. frequencies - acoustic dimensions of the city. (https://www.muenchen.de/rathaus/Stadtverwaltung/Kulturreferat/Bildende-Kunst/Kunst-im-oeffentlichen-Raum/Frequenzen.html, 21.06.2019)

Melissa Apoloya, Victoria Wakulicz

Interventions - Container Collective: Neville and Robinson; This is not a chip shop: T. Mühlbach + A. Höhne/halle6; Alte Utting: Alte Utting GmbH; Giesinger Grünspitz: Green City e.V. + TUM DesignBuild, photo: J. Nefzger; Piazza Zenetti: raumzeug

Editorial revision
Johann-Christian Hannemann, Felix Lüdicke, Julia Treichel
