Domberg Freising XXL

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Bachelor's Thesis B.Sc. Landscape Architecture and Planning, Summer Semester 2017


For more than 1000 years, Freising's Domberg has shaped the history and image of the university town through its striking topography, outstanding buildings and diverse uses. The conversion and development measures currently planned for the Domberg offer the potential to revisit, analyze and further develop the significance of the mountain as a public space.


The aim of the student project "Domberg XXL - Below and Above" is to relate the "lower" public open spaces and squares located at the foot of the mountain to the historically significant uses and buildings located "above". The Domberg is to be understood and examined as a whole, in discussions with its main stakeholders as well as residents.

The project will be deepened by means of a landscape architectural design in the area of the Domplatte. In the center of the design, old and new connections and visual relationships are to be worked out and translated into design scenarios and visions. The students will also learn to integrate and harmonize different factors such as owner's ideas, preservation of historical monuments, existing buildings, nature conservation and urban planning references.



Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Florian Rüger

Student Projects