Parity Jour Fixe No. 32: Prepared Instruments and Craft Genealogies

Termin, Präsentation, Diskussion, Diversität |

The next Parity Jour Fixe at the Department of Architecture of the TUM School of Engineering and Design will take place on June 7. 

The Parity Jour Fixe No. 32 is part of a two-day workshop including the lecture by Jonah Marrs and the presentation of student work from the Craft Archaeologies (LUH) and Feminist Craft (TUM) seminars.  

Prepared Instruments and Craft Genealogies
In his lecture, Jonah Marrs will talk about artistic experimentation with media technology in the 1960s and 1970s, along with his own video synthesis devices in the lineage of prepared instruments. Afterwards, there will be a discussion with the Craft Archaeologies (LUH) and Feminist Craft (TUM) seminars on traditions of craftsmanship in the context of computer-based practices. The conversation will explore methodological approaches that address the shaping of technological knowledge at the interstices of theoretical discourse and material practices, and reflect on methods of feminist practices in research and teaching.

Nathalie Bredella, Professor at Leibniz University Hannover & Anna Boyksen Fellow at Technical University of Munich (TUM) since 2023
Grayson Bailey, Research Assistant at Leibniz University Hannover & Visiting  Lecturer of the Gender Equality Officers at TUM School of Engineering and Design (summer term 2024)
Jonah Marrs , Teaching Assistant at the Base Digitale, Beaux-Arts de Paris

Friday, 7 June 2024

Pavillon 333
Türkenstraße 15
80333 München