Symposium: Encounters – "Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience"

Termin, Symposium, Diskussion |

Cover of "Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge", Vol. 1, No. 2/2021: Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience.

"Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience", issue 02/2021 of "Dimensions. Journal of Architectural Knowledge", explores the movements triggered by spatial, situational, and corporeal experiences and the respective sensations of being moved.

In accordance to the structure of this issue, the panels of this symposium negotiate the terrain, the traces and assemblages, as well as the extension and continuation possibilities of the exploration of Spatial Dimensions of Moving Experience. The editors, Katharina Voigt and Prof. Virginie Roy, intend for this symposium to be an opportunity for the contributors to meet each other and to exchange ideas. All authors are invited to briefly present their contribution and discuss it in regard to its relating to movement and its relevance and impact to the constitution of knowledge in the discipline of architecture.

Download Program

Saturday, 26.02.2022, 10:00 - 12:30 

Online: Zoom-Meeting
Meeting-ID: 669 8619 8614
Kenncode: 458447

The release of the second edition of Dimensions takes place on 24.02.2022.