Ecologies of Building I

The seminar ECOLOGIES OF BUILDING analyses the building industry in transdisciplinary teams of students in the fields of policy making, lobbying, entrepreneurship, legal structures, and money. Together with experts the student teams identify the underlying ecologies in the building industry and develop new sustainable narratives for a turning point.
The teams come from the field of Architecture, Science and Technology and Management reflecting the complex system of the construction industry in a critical research. For example, who is sitting at the table at the launch of the "Bündnis bezahlbarer Wohnraum" of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction? What role do the participants have? What kind of decision are made? Who is influencing these policy makers?
Accompanying inputs from experts from these fields convey their practical knowledge during the DESIGN SPRINTS, through their many years of experience in practice, in direct exchange with the students. The experts also act as mentors and support the teams in finding topics and evaluating them. In the format of design sprints, preceding assumptions and observations in the context of system analysis are translated into future oriented, circular strategies and scenarios for the construction industry.
Prof. Niklas Fanelsa, Victoria Schweyer with
Experts from the building industry
Angelika Hinterbrandner
Philipp Sommer
Leona Lynen
Marc Engelhardt
Tatjana Schneider