istanbul - magnitude 7.4

Katastrophenfreiräume im Erdbebengebiet

Semesterproject M.A. Landscape Architecture, Winter Semester 2012/13


Istanbul is in fear of an imminent earthquake. Geoscientists are forecasting a magnitude 7.4 quake for the city of millions. The informal and often not earthquake-proof built fabric will not be able to withstand it. There are few places of refuge in the rapidly growing metropolis. The laissez-faire style of urban planning allows low-rise buildings to be replaced by multi-story ones in the course of the construction boom, neighborhoods to be highly densified and open spaces to be built on. At the same time, squares and parks in particular could become a rescue point in the event of a catastrophe.


In the design project, the aim is to recognize the potential of open space as escape space and to qualify suitable areas as flexible multifunctional spaces. In addition to the classic needs for fresh air, recreation and social meeting place, disaster open spaces must also meet the requirements after an earthquake: they should be quickly accessible, centrally located and safe from falling parts, and able to accommodate residents in emergency shelters.


Prof. Regine Keller, Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Hauck, Dipl.-Ing. Susann Ahn (Projektleitung), Dipl.-Ing. Juliane Schneegans, Dipl.-Ing. Felix Metzler

Student Works