DesignBuild: Exhibition pavilion BAU 2025
Master project in Architecture and Timber Construction, summer term 2024 (15 ETCS)
The subject of the project in the summer semester 2024 is the design and construction of a wooden exhibition pavilion for BAU 2025 in Munich. The clients expect an aesthetically pleasing and functional pavilion that conveys the exhibition content in an easily understandable way and stands out as an eye-catcher at the trade fair.
The first task is to develop an exhibition concept that illustrates the value chain of wood (from tree to house). Building on this, the students develop architectural concepts, which are worked out constructively over the course of the semester. One of these designs will be developed into a finished work plan and prefabricated by the students during the semester break. The pavilion will be erected in January 2025, immediately before the start of the trade fair.
Decisive criteria for the design are a strong didactic exhibition concept, a sustainable construction method and the reversibility of the connections so that the structure can be assembled and dismantled several times. The possibility of using the pavilion outdoors will also be examined.
The DesignBuild project covers many phases of architectural work, from concept development, constructive elaboration, work planning and realisation in self-construction, and promises a steep learning curve. Independent work, a high level of motivation and enjoyment of teamwork by all
Tue 17.04.24 / 12 -14:00 pm (room 2350 / 2nd floor)
Table discussions
Weekly on Wednesday / 13 - 17:30 pm (Studio)
Testat 1, presentation exhibition concept
Tue 30.04.24 / time and meeting point to be announced
Testat 2, presentaton design
Wed 22.05.24 / time and meeting point to be announced
Testat 3, presentation constructive elaboration
Wed 19.06.24 / time and meeting point to be announced
Testat 4, presentation revision of the winning design
Wed 26.06.24 / time and meeting point to be announced
Final presentation of design and construction planing
Tue 23.07.24 / 11:30 am - 16:00 pm, Pavillon 333