Regelthesis winter semester 23/24

House of Resilience
Brief information on Regelthesis winter semester 23/24

In recent years, multiple crises have shown the great challenges our society has to overcome time and again and how easily our coexistence can be shaken. Municipal (aid) facilities are not available everywhere or are overstretched and understaffed. In addition, bureaucratic procedures often stand in the way of assistance in acute emergencies.  
However, extreme situations and crises in the recent past have also revealed the important role that civil society in general, and neighbourhood help in particular, can play in supporting those in need.  

Above all, people who, for various reasons, are unable to organise their lives independently need help. People who have lost their homes, children and young people in precarious circumstances and women who are exposed to violence. New communities can help these people in individual crises, and mutual support can strengthen the neighbourhood for future challenges.
This requires spaces that are lacking in many places: Spaces to come together, to talk, to process, to learn, to sing together or to do handicrafts. A House of Resilience with a variety of programmes is intended to close this gap.

A prototype of such a building is therefore to be designed in the master's thesis. There are several plots of land to choose from. The hybrid spatial programme includes meeting, seminar and learning rooms, a neighbourhood library, a self-operated café with a stage, an office for self-administration and a workshop. The communal spaces create a heterogeneously usable meeting place for the entire neighbourhood. The offer is completed by flats that individuals or families in emergency situations can use for a time.

The careful use of resources is a prerequisite in the context of the climate crisis and the task at hand. The use of natural and secondary building materials is to be examined. The work on the Master's thesis is therefore preceded by a prologue in which research is carried out into reusable materials and components within a maximum radius of 200 km. The results are available to all students for the subsequent design work.
The prologue ("Methodical development of research questions") is worth 3 ECTS, is part of the Master's thesis and is graded separately.


Prologue: 19.09.2023, 10:00 - 12:00 via Zoom
Introduction module "Methodical development of research questions"

Kick-off Master's thesis: 04.10.2023, 11:00 am at the chair
Presentation of the thesis assignment and colloquium with questions

Presentation seminar: 17.10.2023, 14:00 - 18:00 at the chair

Intermediate critiques: During the processing of the Master's thesis, three interim appointments will take place as table critiques with Prof Stephan Birk:
08.11.23, from 9 a.m. (all day)
20.12.23, from 9 a.m. (all day)
07.02.24, from 9 am (all day)

Plans and models: 04.03.2024 until 13.00 at the chair room 3152, as well as digital submission via Moodle

Colloquium: 08.04.24 - 12.04.24

Jonas Faber
Tabea Huth
Jonas Wolf