SHORT DESIGN EXERCISE: Climate Strikes! – Placative Design Proposals for Campus Garching

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This summer turn the chair LAO offers a Short Design Exercise ("Kurzentwurf" – 2 ECTS) open to Bachelor ans Master students in Landscape Architecture. For the TUM Sustainability Day we will put together an exhibition on the topic of of climate adapted urban spaces.

Due to the ongoing climate crisis and the heat island effect, there is enormous pressure to take action - particularly in urban areas - to unseal surfaces and create more green spaces. Due to various requirements, achieving this is often complicated. Underground infrastructure, parking space regulations, economic viability, etc. are often given priority in the consideration process. How can more emphasis be given to high-quality urban development with regard to the natural environment, biotope and species protection, the landscape and recreational use? The quantification and measurement of green qualities, such as the BAF (biotope area factor), promises to make a contribution here.

12 spatial situations will be specified for the Campus Garching. Designs are to be created for these, with the top priority being climate-friendly implementation in terms of a biotope area factor of 0.6 - climate strikes! The following contents are required:
- Creation of a placative collage (A1, on basis of an existing photo)
- Site plans incl. representation and calculation of the BAF – before/after (based on CAD)

The plans, calculations and collages, will be shown on TUM Sustainability Day on Campus Garching. The exhibition will take place as part of the Markt der Möglichkeiten in the Magistrale of the building Maschinenwesen.
The following contents will be exhibited on poster boards with three sides (A1):
Poster 1: photo before (given)
Poster 2: placative collage
Poster 3: site plans incl. calculation and representation of BAF before and after

- Kick-off and Input – Mo, 06.05. 10:00h-12:00h in room O5
- Workshop BAF and Graphic – Fr, 24.05. 13:00h-18:00h in room O5
- Delivery – Fr, 31.05. 12:00h online via modle

Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Regine Keller
M.A. Gero Engeser, Dipl.-Ing. Felix Lüdicke, M.Eng. Simon Stiegler, M.A. Rafael Stutz

via TUMonline for the course "Short Design - Landscape Architecture" (Bachelor Students) or "Stegreifentwurf Master" (Master Students)