Designbased analysis
In the designbased analysis of landscape structures, spatial characteristics, spatial coherences and spatial boundaries are described as landscape. The conceptual brainstorming in the research for new settlement structures relies on their potentials.
In the phase of design, a regional landscape or a 'regional' topic is chosen for the landscape. Based on a spatial structure and shape, overarching designs are developed.

Flowing waters are currently moving into the focus of politics because of the dangers they pose. Over the past 200 years, the major rivers and small streams in Germany have been almost completely 'corrected' and channelled into artificial courses in order to make better use of the adjacent areas and waterways themselves. Last but not least, the aim was also to be able to better control flood events. Accordingly, the meandering course of the Altmühl from its source to its confluence with the Donau in Kelheim was regulated so that it flows in a uniform bed.
The result is criticised today. "The Altmühl has degenerated into a monotonous, structurally poor "soulless Altmühl canal", which very much restricts the natural habitat in the floodplain and has a detrimental effect on the water ecology as well as on the landscape." (Ansbach Water Management Office) Institutional efforts are therefore being made for an "ecological redesign" to create new habitats in and along the river. In addition, in times of longer dry periods and heavier heavy rainfall events due to climate change, efforts must be made to keep as much water as possible in the landscape. In these conversion programmes, however, the issue of water retention is considered on a small-scale basis only along the course of the river. An ecological-functional consideration
of the structures to be built along the watercourses also loses sight of the fact that a turn towards water could also create social qualities in the landscape.
In the bachelor project, open spaces are to be designed typologically that can hold water like a sponge in the landscape in the closer or wider context of the Altmühl and at the same time enable further social uses.
In the master project, we are investigating how cities along the Donau protect themselves from floods today. For the city of Kelheim, where the Altmühl flows into the Donau in the form of the Main-Donau Canal, principles are to be designed according to which the city can develop in the future.