Designing Nature as Infrastructure

Natur als Infrastruktur entwerfen

Symposium im Vorhoelzer Forum, Arcisstraße 21, München
29. und 30. November 2012


Steht der Begriff Grüne Infrastruktur für ein neues Paradigma zur Gestaltung von gesellschaftlichen Naturverhältnissen, oder beschreibt er nur ein modernes Synonym für den herkömmlichen Begriff Landschaft? Dieser Frage geht das Symposium Natur als Infrastruktur entwerfen nach und lädt Planer, Gestalter, Ökologen, Ingenieure und andere Interessierte aus Forschung und Praxis in landschaftsbezogenen Disziplinen ein, über ein aktuelles Thema zu diskutieren: Infrastruktur.
Die Beiträge sollen multidisziplinäre Ansätze und Möglichkeiten im Zusammenspiel zwischen Gestaltung und Ökologie aufzeigen und die Rolle von Infrastrukturen im Stadt- und Landschaftsumbau behandeln.


Hosted by:

Technische Universität München,
TUM Graduate School
Graduate Center of Architecture


Technische Universität München | Faculty for Architecture
Institute for Urban Design, Urbanism and Landscape
Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space and
Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space

Scientific commitee

Thomas Hauck, assistant professor,
Chair of Landscape Architecture and Public Space (LAO)
Daniel Czechowski, scientific assistant,
Georg Hausladen, lecturer integration ecology,
Department of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space (LAREG)
Technische Universität München, Faculty of Architecture


"Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts Between Nature and Design examines these questions and presents innovative approaches in designing green, landscape or nature as infrastructure from different perspectives and attitudes instead of adding another definition or category of green infrastructure. The editors bring together the work of selected ecologists, engineers, and landscape architects who discuss a variety of theoretical aspects, research projects, teaching methods, and best practice examples in green infrastructure. The approaches range from retrofitting existing infrastructures through landscape-based integrations of new infrastructures and envisioning prospective landscapes as hybrids, machines, or cultural extensions.

The book explores a scientific functional approach in landscape architecture. It begins with an overview of green functionalism and includes examples of how new design logics are deducted from ecology in order to meet economic and environmental requirements and open new aesthetic relationships toward nature. The contributors share a decidedly cultural perspective on nature as landscape. Their ecological view emphasizes the individual nature of specific local situations.

Building on this foundation, the subsequent chapters present political ideas and programs defining social relations toward nature and their integration in different planning systems as well as their impact on nature and society. They explore different ways of participation and cooperation within cities, regions, and nations. They then describe projects implemented in local contexts to solve concrete problems or remediate malfunctions. These projects illustrate the full scope presented and discussed throughout the book: the use of scientific knowledge, strategic thinking, communication with municipal authorities and local stakeholders, design implementation on site, and documentation and control of feedback and outcome with adequate indicators and metrics.

Although diverse and sometimes controversial, the discussion of how nature is regarded in contrast to society, how human-natural systems could be organized, and how nature could be changed, optimized, or designed raises the question of whether there is a new paradigm for the design of social relations to nature. The multidisciplinary review in this book brings together discussions previously held only within the respective disciplines, and demonstrates how they can be used to develop new methods and remediation strategies." (CRC Press)


Revising Green Infrastructure: Concepts Between Nature and Design

Daniel Czechowski, Thomas Hauck, Georg Hausladen (Editors)
November 6, 2014 by CRC Press
488 Pages - 176 Color & 25 B/W Illustrations
ISBN 9781482232202