Dr.-Ing. Architekt, Dipl.-Kfm. Christos Chantzaras

Curriculum Vitae

2020 - Present

Managing Director TUM Venture Lab Built Environment VL BE
Platform for ventures developing approaches, technologies and solutions for urban futures, the construction and operation of buildings and infrastructure as well as socio-technical systems in   the context of design and architecture

2017 -


Research associate & lecturer Architectural Design Thinking & Architectural Entrepreneurship;
Output lead BowHow5-Erasmus+ Project for Strengthening Architecture and Built Environment Research (SABRE) - Architectural Entrepreneurship; Industry-Co-operations at Architecture Research Incubator
2015 - 2017 Head Programming for an architectural practice, Berlin; Early stage consulting and development of building projects by interdisciplinary teams; focus on research, innovation spaces and offices in automotive and science
2012 - 2015 Project Director Industry International for an architectural practice, Munich/Shenyang; focus on large scale R&D centers and production plants
2011 - 2012 Project manager & vice managing director for the Shanghai office of an architectural practice;
focus on masterplanning, R&D centers and production plants throughout China
2007 - 2011 Project manager and team architect in architectural practices, Munich
2000 - 2006 Diploma in Architecture at Technical University of Munich
2000 - 2006 Diploma in Business Administration at FernUniversität Hagen
1998 - 2006 Pre-diploma in Business Administration at University of Mannheim

Research Interests

  • Architectural Intelligence
  • Building Intelligence
  • Innovation
  • Spatial Transformation
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Design Thinking

Winter term 2023/24

Architecture and Design of Innovation Processes - Applying architectural thinking and tools of architecture to analysis, understanding and design of innovation processes (Doctoral Project)

Future of WorkThe digital transformation as spatial transformation

Design thinking research and methodology

Make Munich Weird - Initiative on the relation of space, creativity and innovation

InnoSpacing - An integrated research sketch on physical space and innovation before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In cooperation with the Center of Design Research, Stanford University


Chantzaras, C. (2022). Architecture and Design of Innovation Processes - Applying architectural thinking and tools to the understanding and design of innovation processes in innovation management [Doctoral dissertation, Techinical University of Munich]. Link to MediaTUM


Chantzaras, C., Ford, C. (2021). InnoSpacing - An integrated research sketch on physical space and innovation before, during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. In TUM Department of Architecture (Ed.), Review 2021, (pp. 102–104). Munich: Technische Universität München.


Chantzaras, C. (2020): „Less Structure, More Impact? An evaluation of structured design thinking methods in higher education in architecture.“ in A. Ghaffarianhoseini, A. Ghaffarianhoseini and N. Nasmith (eds), Imaginable Futures: Design Thinking, and the Scientific Method, 54th International Conference of the Architectural Science Association 2020, 26-27 November 2020, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, pp. 689-698.

Christos C., Luce, M., Schneider, Y. (Ed.) (2020) Report & Evaluation SABRE Erasmus+ Project / BauHow5 - Output 2 (Design Sprint, Creative Business Game, Design Thinking Lab, Community Design Lab). Publisher: Technische Universität München, Fakultät für Architektur.


Chantzaras, C. (2019a). Architecture as a system and innovation design discipline.
FORMakademisk, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.7577/formakademisk.3077

Chantzaras, C. (2019b). The City demands our Attention: Designing for better worlds - not for better business. In TUM Department of Architecture (Ed.), Review #2 | 2019, (pp. 82–83).
Munich: Technische Universität München.

Chantzaras, C. (2019c). The perfect blend for disruption: Fostering architectural entrepreneurship and architectural design thinking by interdisciplinary workshops. In TUM Department of Architecture (Ed.), Review 2018-19, (pp. 66–67). Munich: Technische Universität München.

Chantzaras, C. (2019d). The 3rd Dimension of Innovation Processes. In E. Bohemia, G. Gemser, N. Fain, C. de Bont, & R. Assoreira Alemandra (Eds.), Conference proceedings of the Academy for Design Innovation Management 2019: Research Perspectives In the era of Transformations (Vol. 2, pp. 537–553). London: ADIM


Chantzaras, C., & Rung, H. (2017). interVIEW - Christos Chantzaras and Hanne Rung with Stephen Bates and Bruno Krucker. In TUM Department of Architecture (Ed.), Jahrbuch Yearbook 2016/17 (pp. 32–35). Munich: Technische Universität München.