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Street Space Experiments MUC 2023

Street Space Experiments MUC 2023 is a project collection of temporary installations and conversions of public street spaces in Munich. The experiments, which will run for several months in 2023 and involve a wide variety of actors, are all in the context of transport transformation and climate change. They were mapped by students in a seminar during the summer semester of 2023 and documented by means of comparative profiles, photographs and drawings. The focus was on recording the spatial effect of the installations using plans, sections and isometrics.





Piazza Zenetti


Steinhuber Miniblock

Project Management

Felix Lüdicke
Dipl. -Ing. Landscape Architect

Gero Engeser
M.A. Landscape Architecture

Project Participants

Aylin Altungök
Jingyi Xu
Julius Vongehr
Laura Pehlke
Oliver Bursi 
Qiuyuan Chen


Felix Lüdicke
Dipl.-Ing. Landscape Architect

Gero Engeser
M.A. Landscape Architecture

Daniel Wolfram
B.Sc. Landscape Architecture & Planning