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Street Experiments MUC 2022

Street Experiments MUC is a collection of temporary installations and actions in public street space. The experiments, which run for several hours/days/weeks/months or years and are carried out by a wide variety of actors, are all in the context of traffic change and climate change. Do they also have a planning background?

As part of the course "studio1zu1", students mapped and analyzed various street space experiments in Munich in the summer semester of 2022. The resulting project website compares the experiments in different categories and documents design and construction by photographs and partly plans (*) in scale 1:100 - 1:10. Experiments documented with plans are marked with (*).


Bridge Sprout

Dicker Hans*


Halt 58*

Intervention Arcisstraße

Olympia Busbahnhof

Park Dein Park

Parklet Breisässerplatz*

Parklet Domagkpark

Piazza Zenetti

Schanigarten Café Lozzi

Sommerstraße Holzplatz

Sommerstraße Am Kosttor

Der Tisch der Stadt