
All teaching in Bachelor's and Master's courses, workshops and projects is based on a holistic design approach in which architecture, structure and construction are closely linked. Our aim is to train a new generation of architects and engineers who have a sophisticated knowledge of the relationship between the geometry, the form of a structure and its load-bearing behaviour.

In the bachelor's courses, students learn the fundamental principles of structural design and apply these to the analysis and design of structures. In this context, they are familiarised with computer-aided approaches, such as parametric programming or form-finding.

The Master's programme is directly integrated into the professorship's current research. The focus is laid on spatial load-bearing structures, complex constructions and new materials - accompanied by in-depth knowledge of their development in terms of building history. Students learn and research innovative methods of structural design, which they apply and further develop using innovative computer-aided tools for various architectural design scenarios. The digital process is supported by the construction of models and prototypes in various materials and scales up to the 1-to-1 model. Processes such as laser cutting, CNC milling, 3D printing and robotics are used.