MCube - Car-reduced urban quarters for a livable city (AQT)

MCube - Car-reduced urban quarters for a livable city (AQT)
project time: November 2021 – October 2024
funded by: BMBF – Clusters 4 Future, MCube – Munich Cluster for the Future of Mobility in Metropolitan Regions
Car-reduced quarters for a more livable city (AQT) is one of three MCube lighthouse projects. The AQT project team is developing and testing a spatial and transportation concept for Munich with the goals of: bringing about greater acceptance and use of multimodal transportation options, significantly reducing individual car ownership and use, and thus enhancing the value of the area.
The influencing factors constituted by actors and networks, spatial and cluster structures as well as decision-making and planning procedures will be investigated. A special focus will be placed on transdisciplinary research and transformative processes. Wherever possible, involved stakeholder interests, political hurdles and spatial quality will be considered. The individual work packages are framed by the hypothesis that the transformation to multimodal mobility should be understood as a "wicked problem" and should be studied in the context of new modes of mobility, everyday routines, and revitalized cityscapes. In this context, not only rational but also emotional or "soft" factors should be considered. Against the background that individual technical solutions have so far not initiated the necessary change towards an ecologically and socially sustainable traffic turnaround or have not led to a measurable reduction of individual motorized traffic, the aim is now to open up design, traffic and use-related potentials for the transformation of traffic areas, which are important for sustainable and climate-adapted urban development in the course of ongoing urbanization. Thus, transferability to other cities also plays a central role in the project. The research partners gain process knowledge and evaluate this in relation to future teaching, research and planning projects as well as decision-making processes.
PI and research partner
Professorship of Urban Design, Prof. Dr. Benedikt Boucsein
Marco Kellhammer, M.Sc. Industrial Design
Mareike Schmidt, M.Sc. Architecture
contact: mcube.aqt.ud(at)
Chair of Urban Structure and Transport Planning
Chair of Traffic Engineering and Control
Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering
Chair of Automotive Technology