Matthias Faul
Dipl.-Ing. architect, research and teaching associate
Professorship of Urban Design
Arcisstrasse 21
80333 München
E-Mail: matthias.faul@tum.de
Matthias Faul studied architecture at the Technical University of Kaiserslautern.
His thesis was awarded the Helmut Hentrich Foundation Prize.
He has lived in Munich since 2015 and worked at Goetz Castorph Architekten und Stadtplaner GmbH.
Since 2020 own architecture studio based in Maßweiler - He is a member of the Architektenkammer Rheinland-Pfalz.
As an assistant, he supervised Matthias Castorph's guest professorship at TUM in 2019.
Since then, he has supervised the bachelor studio and the bachelor theses at the Professorship for Urban Design - Benedikt Boucsein.