Beyond Urban Image - photographing urban spaces

Team: Markus Lanz

Kick Off: 27.10.22 16:45 - 18:45

Through their permanent presence, photographs influence the image of the city, our understanding of architecture and our architectural design. Cities try to assert their attractiveness by means of unique images worldwide. More and more, cities are developing through pictorial atmospheres and symbolic architectures. They often threaten to freeze in their own postcard. The image of Munich is determined by unambiguous atmospheres. But Munich is more than just the familiar image. The city is interesting in its fractures, in the significant spaces of the quarters and in the lived space of everyday life.

How do we as architects perceive these spaces? What images do we form of these spaces? How can we perceive and describe space? 
The seminar deals with photography to specify the perception and reception of urban spaces as a basis for architectural design. For an understanding of space and space production. The teaching will be adapted in content and form to the limited presence of the TUM.