Dr. Parisa Vaziri

Dr.-Ing. (TUM)
M.Sc. Landscape Architecture
Research Fellow
Rethinking the Architecture of the Renewable-energy Power Plants:
Potential Stations to Transform the Social Flows
[Full text access] (2021) mediaTUM
Joint-supervision doctoral program by and between Polimi and TUM:
Politecnico di Milano – Architectural, Urban and Interior Design (DAStU)
Technical University of Munich – Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space (LAREG)
PhD Fellow, Italian Ministry of Education, University, and Research (MIUR)
Technical University of Munich, 2016 - today
PhD candidate with Prof. Sören Schöbel
Politecnico di Milano, 2014 - today
PhD candidate with Prof. Guya Bertelli
Politecnico di Milano, 2011 - 2013
master's degree in sustainable architecture and landscape design. School of Architecture, Urban Planning and, Construction Engineering
Final thesis with Prof. Sandro Rolla
University of Tehran, Iran, 2003 - 2008
Bachelor's degree in Architecture. Faculty of fine arts.
Final Project with Prof. Dr. A. Izadi
July 2016 – Dec 2016: Landschaftsarchitektur regionaler Freiräume – Joint project MLU Halle-Wittenberg, ETH Zurich, TUM. Supported by the Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt, part of the research team in TUM LAREG
April 2014 – Jun 2014: Internationale Bauausstellung – IBA See Research in renewable energy and architectural design in Lusatia landscape with Professor Dr. Dr. Rolf Kuhn
Sep 2013 – Feb 2014: Temporary City research project – Polimi, part of the LabSAT research team with Professor Stefano Stabilini
2019: Research by design – TUM, Lecturer (Master course in the Department of Architecture, with Julian Schäfer)
2018: Erneuerbare Energien und Landschaftsästhetik – TUM, Lecturer (Master course in Lanscape Architecture)
2017: Excursion to IBA Lusatia – TUM, Lead the excursion (Master course in Land Management)
2015: Excursion to IBA Lusatia – TUM, Lead the excursion (Master course in Landscape Architecture)
2015: Urban design for Public Spaces – Polimi, Tutor (workshop for Master students)
2014 –16: Architectural Design studio – Polimi, Tutor (Master course)
2014: History of Contemporary Architecture – Polimi, Tutor (workshop for Master students)
2013: Nature in the City-OC Summer School – Polimi, Tutor (workshop for Master students)
2018-2020: mk.landschaft, M.Sc Architect
2014-2014: Institut für Umwelttechnik und Recycling Senftenberg e.V (IURS e.V), M.Sc Architect
2012: L'AB (Landscape Architecture Bureau), M.Sc. Internship
2009-2010: Jahan Peyvasteh (Urban/Architecture Studio), B.Sc. Architect
2007-2009: Parskav (Urban/Architecture Studio), B.Sc. Architect
2006-2007: VAV Studio (Architecture Studio), B.Sc. Internship
2017-today: Conscious development (e.g., self-inquiry; The Work)
2017-today: Connection (e.g., dancing Contact Improvisation)
2011-today: Voluntary works (e.g., Caritas Italiana)
2003-today: Creating (e.g., physical modeling)
1984-today: Being curious