

The research project "Trees in planters as an effective urban climate measure to adapt to climate change" has the goal to fill existing gaps in knowledge regarding the climatic effects and the growth conditions of trees in planters, relevant to elaborate technical vegetation principles and strategies and concepts for the use of trees in planters as urban climate effective measure for adapting to climate change.

The research project is a sub-project of the Trust for Urban Nature and Climate Instructions (ZSK), TUM, rights by the State Ministry for the Environment and Consumer Protection (Staatsministerium für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz).

The professorship for Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture is responsible for the research project with a total funding volume of approx. 300,000 euros.


Project participants

Professur für Green Technologies in Landscape Architecture: Prof. Dr. Ferdinand Ludwig, M.A. Christoph Fleckenstein 

Lehrstuhl für Waldwachstumskunde: Prof. Dr. Hans Pretzsch, Prof. Dr. Thomas Rötzer, M.Sc. Vjosa Dervishi

Lehrstuhl für Strategie und Management der Landschaftsentwicklung: Prof. Dr. Stephan Pauleit, Dr. Mohammad Asrafur Rahman



11/2019 – 10/2022