Studienangebot Winter 2023/24 Course Offer Winter 2023/24

(Letzte Aktualisierung: 20.03.2024)

Bachelor Architektur Winter 2023/24


urban transitions lab II

This studio is the occasion to explore design approaches focused on density in its larger sense, encompassing all its dimensions to achieve quality built and open spaces for functional, social and ecological networks.


Freie Studienarbeit - Defragmenting urban landscapes

It often seems that accumulation of uses and normative restrictions lead through time to a fragmentation of space, preventing continuities in public space, human interaction and ecological revaluation. This seminar aims at identifying such fragmented areas in the city, research and propose radical strategies for defragmentation and unification of spaces, in order to promote more accessible and sustainable urban landscapes.

Master Architektur und Master Urbanistik Winter 2023/24


urban transitions lab II

This studio is the occasion to explore design approaches focused on density in its larger sense, encompassing all its dimensions to achieve quality built and open spaces for functional, social and ecological networks.


Circular Cities (e)

In the context of accelerating climate change, cities have to adapt and develop new strategies in order to ensure their persistence. Diverse concepts of circularity have emerged as one approach to sustainable urban transformation. The lecture series will examine circularity from a range of perspectives, inviting speakers from diverse backgrounds and actively engaging students in the discussion. The optional seminar (Vertiefung) allows the students to further explore alternative solutions and creative approaches to integrated circular solutions


Spezialfragen - Defragmenting urban landscapes

It often seems that accumulation of uses and normative restrictions lead through time to a fragmentation of space, preventing continuities in public space, human interaction and ecological revaluation. This seminar aims at identifying such fragmented areas in the city, research and propose radical strategies for defragmentation and unification of spaces, in order to promote more accessible and sustainable urban landscapes.

Freies Projekt

Im Rahmen der freien Projektarbeit im Master Architektur und Urbanistik besteht die Möglichkeit selbst gewählte Themen und Aufgabenstellungen zu bearbeiten.